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Firewalls and Routers
        Total Views: 29496 - Total Replies: 0
Nov 01 2010, 4:16 pm - By Wupass  =EVL=
Wupass  =EVL=

Firewalls and Routers
This area provides help with configuring your Windows XP firewall. It is meant only as a point of reference for troubleshooting connection issues.

Novalogic telephone technical support will not answer any questions regarding firewall or router configuration. Contact the developer of the firewall or router software for complete and up-to-date assistance with their product.

  1. Click the Start button on the desktop.
  2. Click Control Panel
  3. Click on the Security Center icon and then click on Windows Firewall. If you are viewing Windows under Classic View, simply click on the Windows Firewall icon.

  4. Click the Exceptions tab and then click Add Port.

  1. In the Name box type in the name of the game, and add the port number to the Port Number box. Click the UDP button and click OK.

  1. Repeat step 5 for any additional port numbers.

  The following is a listing of our games and the port numbers they use. All ports use the UDP protocol.
Armored Fist 3 2803
Comanche 4 17200
Delta Force 1 & 2 3568, 3569
Delta Force Land Warrior / Task Force Dagger 17478
Delta Force Black Hawk Down / Team Sabre 17479
Delta Force: Xtreme 32768, 49152, 64206
F-22 Raptor 3874, 3875
F-16/MiG 29 3862, 3863
F-22 Lightning 3 4533, 4534
Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising 32768, 49152, 64206, 7597
Tachyon 2766
Click here to find out how to configure your router.

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