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Topic Can't Download Digital Game
Can't Download Digital Game
        Total Views: 31124 - Total Replies: 5
Feb 16 2014, 3:27 pm - By Super Hornet
Super Hornet

I bought Comanche 4 off the Novalogic website.  I clicked the activate and download link and started to download the installer.  Afterwards I lost my connection and now need to redownload the installer.  However, when I go back to the page where I started my download there is no links anymore.
Feb 16 2014, 4:59 pm - Replied by: stompem

If you have bought the game from the Nova store and you have registered the game to your account here, the download link will then appear in your MY STUFF account page.

Look to the Tabs at the top of this page, the MY STUFF tab is the second one from the right hand side.

When you get there it should look something like this...

Youhave the following digital products available for download and/orgifting
Item Description Actions
COMANCHE 4 DigitalDownload Edition
This product hasalready been applied to your account
[Download Game ]


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Feb 16 2014, 5:17 pm - Replied by: Super Hornet
Super Hornet

That's the problem.  Under the actions, there is nothing.  It'd just blank.
Feb 16 2014, 6:02 pm - Replied by: stompem

Go back and looking just above the "blank" area, you will see  "Add a new Product Key:"

Enter your Comanche 4 Key there.

I have made a quick check and the FTP Download server is up and running.


"You may only enter a CD Key for a game not listed above; you cannot have more than one key for the same game on the same Novaworld account."

Delta Force and Joint Ops Resource Site

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Feb 16 2014, 7:27 pm - Replied by: Super Hornet
Super Hornet

After I enter my cd key sent in the email I got from Nova, I get "This Product Key has already been used to powerup an account (K013)" coming up
Feb 16 2014, 7:56 pm - Replied by: stompem

Super Hornet wrote:
After I enter my cd key sent in the email I got from Nova, I get "This Product Key has already been used to powerup an account (K013)" coming up

Sorry my friend, these errors happen occasionally.

Perhaps someone may have  used a keygen in the past that generated the exact same code or the code was generated twice, either way your new game will need administering.

This is who you need to contact...

NovaWorld2 Admin - Wupass



Delta Force and Joint Ops Resource Site

*DELTA FORCE APPS - Play BHD with custom features enabled + 3 levels of difficulty.
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