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24/7 DF1 Server up
        Total Views: 50288 - Total Replies: 18
Mar 19 2014, 12:48 am - By FutileResistance

I took down df1lobby.com because I did not want to maintain a site.

I also needed the laptop that I was hosting the games on for school. But now that I bought a new laptop, I can leave the old one up with DF1 running.

Same thing as before, you may use 2 different clients or connect directly to the server. The lobby does not work. So please, even though you see the game up, do not try it.

The IP for direct access:

The IP for EvolveHQ:

The IP for Tunngle:

All IP's will lead to the same server.

updated 2/14/2015
Mar 26 2014, 9:32 pm - Replied by: FutileResistance

Site removed.

May 11 2014, 3:21 am - Replied by: FutileResistance

We will be hosting an event this summer. I am making this date far enough in advanced so that people can get their Delta Force game situated and ready. I am hoping more people show up.

Saturday May 24th, 2014 @ 1:00pm PST (8:00pm GMT)
Gametype: TKOTH
Time: 27 minutes
Maps: Ice Floes

Saturday July 26th, 2014 @ 1:00pm PST (8:00pm GMT)
Gametype: KOTH or DM (Up for debate- preferably a free-for-all due to possible low interest)
Time: 27 minutes
Maps: Cycled 3 stock maps
There must be over 6 players not including myself (7 total plus).

The July 26th event has a prize attached; $25 for the highest kills across all 3 maps. It is small, but that is all I am willing to put up for right now.

Hope people can make the May event.

See ya guys!
May 25 2014, 7:07 pm - Replied by: FutileResistance

The event went pretty good. Not as many as I would have liked but it was still fun. Come join us guys! Everyone in the screenshot, with the exception of blk magic, was from the Brazilian community. Need more US and EU.

This coming Saturday (May 31st) we have another event. Go check out the website now!
May 26 2014, 3:55 am - Replied by: sog.Ninjaman  .sog.
sog.Ninjaman  .sog.

Can you repost something on how to get DF online again please.

May 26 2014, 4:27 am - Replied by: FutileResistance

Ok, good idea. Don't know why I didn't just post instructions here.

Method 1 (Direct IP Access)

Step 1: Update the game via this file: FILE. Not the in game update.

Step 2: Update the Novaworld browser via this file. Not sure if its required, but just in case.

Step 3: Open DF1 ports. These instructions will vary based off of the router/gateway you have. I will be as bland as possible.
  • Open the command prompt by typing 'cmd' in the 'search programs and files' dialogue box under the start menu.
  • In the command prompt, type 'ipconfig'.
  • Locate 'Default Gateway' IP (Usually but just in case).
  • Type Default Gateway IP into browser address bar.
  • Login into router. If you don't know user name or password, then reset the router/gateway box.
  • In the router/gateway menu, locate any firewall settings. (Every router/gateway brand is different)
  • Locate any port settings. (Port forwarding, port triggering)
  • Select host or type in hosts IP address (your computers local IP address, should be 'IPv4 Address' in command prompt).
  • Open port range 3100-3999 for TCP and UDP. Then apply settings. Some routers may actually have Delta Force 1 on a list of applications to open ports for.

Step 4: Start game up and go to the play multiplayer menu. Where it says 'Connection Type', change setting to 'Internet'. In the 'Internet Address' dialogue box, type a hosted IP address ( Search and join.

If you still get the black screen or if the game does not show up, then it is your ports still. I have tested this method at a different location through internet.

Method 2 (Using the client Evolve)

If you still have trouble, Evolve can help you. This method requires no port openings.

Repeat Steps 1 and 2 in the above method^

Step 3: Sign up and download the Evolve client at evolvehq.com

Step 4: Join the 'party' via this link . It will prompt you to 'Join the Party' - instead login at the top right. You will then see a 'connect' button.

Step 5: Accept all installations. It should be installing a virtual network interface (VLAN) or what have you.

Step 6: You will see a user named 'blkmagic678' to the right with an IP address ( Keep this window up and the Evolve client on. Start up the game.

Step 7: Go to the multiplayer game menu. Set the Connection Type to Internet. Type in the IP address . Search and join with 100% success.

Both methods work at the same time. Which method you choose does not matter. You all will go to the same server.
May 26 2014, 4:41 am - Replied by: sog.Ninjaman  .sog.
sog.Ninjaman  .sog.

Thanks, I will give it a try.

Feb 14 2015, 4:44 pm - Replied by: FutileResistance

Bump - Updated Information

Apr 14 2015, 10:49 am - Replied by: mmx  [krk]
mmx  [krk]

hey, i have setup a server with your instructions above ;)

Evolve ID is: mmx2k
Evolve IP:
ServerIP(100mbit dedicated):

for questions contact me on: mmx2k [at] t-online.de
or ICQ: 6445799

visit us: www.krk-squad.info
old school: Screenshots
Apr 14 2015, 10:53 am - Replied by: Puinisher1

mmx wrote:
hey, i have setup a server with your instructions above ;)

Evolve ID is: mmx2k
Evolve IP:
ServerIP(100mbit dedicated):

for questions contact me on: mmx2k [at] t-online.de
or ICQ: 6445799

BS 100 MBit. When you host a Server it's the Upload-Speed that Counts Baby.
Apr 14 2015, 10:57 am - Replied by: mmx  [krk]
mmx  [krk]

as i said 100mbit .... up! nothing more nothing less :)

visit us: www.krk-squad.info
old school: Screenshots

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