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Delete Player Names
        Total Views: 16310 - Total Replies: 4
Apr 13 2014, 6:25 pm - By Fever Tree-NNS-
Fever Tree-NNS-

Currently I have the maximum number of players names allowed..... 4. I would like to delete 2 of these names but I do not see that option. If I try to create a new user name I am told that I have the max amount. How can I delete 1 or 2?
Apr 13 2014, 7:09 pm - Replied by: Brav35  *DB*
Brav35  *DB*

Have you tried using a rename token? If you do not have one in your inventory, go to the Nova store and scroll to the bottom of the page ($6.99 per token). To check your inventory, go to "my stuff" and see if there are any unused rename tokens.  I do not know of a way to delete character names. Hope this helps!

Apr 13 2014, 9:14 pm - Replied by: Chris.  *DB*
Chris.  *DB*

Fever Tree-NNS- wrote:
Currently I have the maximum number of players names allowed..... 4. I would like to delete 2 of these names but I do not see that option. If I try to create a new user name I am told that I have the max amount. How can I delete 1 or 2?
You can't delete.
Apr 13 2014, 11:11 pm - Replied by: Bulldog1  =BCU=
Bulldog1  =BCU=

Go to - my account - settings - my characters. You should have the option to delete a name there.
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Nov 26 2023, 3:34 am - Replied by: LT-Vacka

hi bulldog  
nice to see you here  how are you anyway ?

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