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f22 Lightning 3 lives again!
        Total Views: 8812 - Total Replies: 0
May 23 2014, 1:12 pm - By ROFLCopterLOL

http://www.f22lightning3online.com/Follow the instructions Xposure has listed on this site.The only problem I had getting online is I tried using the old novaworld game lobby.THIS DOES NOT WORK.on the site listed above they have a Custom Game Lobby and a link to view games.This is the one to use to play.It's be nice if Nova Logic fixed that seeing that they are still selling the game...Thank you Xposure for bringing this game back to life.and Nova Logic mods.... please pass it on that most people who will buy this game will not be able to figure out how to play online. Please fix this if you are going to continue to sell this game.

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