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Migrating to Win7
        Total Views: 32340 - Total Replies: 8
May 28 2014, 9:06 am - By RowdyRhodes

Hi folks!

I have the older, as well as some of the newer DF games installed on an XP based system. I'm moving to a new Win7 based Quad core system and I'm wondering whether there may be any problems. I can't find minimum system requirements or which operating  systems these games work on. Will all of the Delta Force series work in a Win7 environment?
Your help would be appreciated.

Love Playing FPS games. Sometimes Multi-Player.
May 28 2014, 9:09 am - Replied by: Dragon-Skill  =WT=
Dragon-Skill  =WT=

delta are dead.only bhd and jo and dfx.dfx2 are in here


If you know the enemy and know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt. if you know Heaven and know Earth, you may make your victory complete.

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

May 28 2014, 9:14 am - Replied by: THUNDERBIRD.  -SoF-

RowdyRhodes wrote:
Hi folks!

I have the older, as well as some of the newer DF games installed on an XP based system. I'm moving to a new Win7 based Quad core system and I'm wondering whether there may be any problems. I can't find minimum system requirements or which operating  systems these games work on. Will all of the Delta Force series work in a Win7 environment?
Your help would be appreciated.


no Problems, whether it's 7 or 8. Install as usual in Program FilesNovalogic (=Default path)

don't Forget to give your User Full Access to that Path (Folder) afterwards -> RightClick ->Properties ->Permissions/Security


Have fun.

May 28 2014, 4:31 pm - Replied by: RowdyRhodes

Thank you Thunderbird. Appreciate your help. I kind of thought I wouldn't have that much of a problem because worse comes to worst I can always run the game with a compatibility setting change. Thought I'd just check.

Have a good day.

Love Playing FPS games. Sometimes Multi-Player.
May 29 2014, 11:24 pm - Replied by: USER1512


May 30 2014, 5:33 am - Replied by: THUNDERBIRD.  -SoF-

Lyman wrote:

Windows 8, huge drop of performance with Delta Force: Land Warrior and Delta Force: Task Force Dagger.


good to know, ty

May 30 2014, 7:35 am - Replied by: ShiningSword  .FP.
ShiningSword  .FP.


Lyman wrote:

Windows 8, huge drop of performance with Delta Force: Land Warrior and Delta Force: Task Force Dagger.


good to know, ty


you didn't ? pffffffff

May 30 2014, 7:47 am - Replied by: THUNDERBIRD.  -SoF-

ShiningSword wrote:


Lyman wrote:

Windows 8, huge drop of performance with Delta Force: Land Warrior and Delta Force: Task Force Dagger.


good to know, ty


you didn't ? pffffffff


My knowledge is based on experience, unlike yours.

May 30 2014, 10:15 am - Replied by: ShiningSword  .FP.
ShiningSword  .FP.


ShiningSword wrote:


Lyman wrote:

Windows 8, huge drop of performance with Delta Force: Land Warrior and Delta Force: Task Force Dagger.


good to know, ty


you didn't ? pffffffff


My knowledge is based on experience, unlike yours.

Just like bulltaco, always wanting to have the last word! You can have it. I have no desire to waste my time with individuals like you who act like bulltaco, that is, if you are not bulltaco, of course.

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