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DF2 will not enter Full Screen. Please help?
        Total Views: 31449 - Total Replies: 5
Oct 18 2014, 12:17 pm - By Trast  .o0o.
Trast  .o0o.

I am trying to get DF2 going but when I start the game it only takes up a corner of my screen (upper-left corner).

I have tried all the settings, nothing I do will fix it, accept when I change it to Windowed mode, it makes the viewable area of the game bigger and centers it, but I still see my desktop in the background.

I am using Windows 7 64bit.





Oct 18 2014, 7:04 pm - Replied by: SothPaw  =WT=
SothPaw  =WT=

?? have you screenshot at that maybe i can help you




Oct 18 2014, 9:15 pm - Replied by: Trast  .o0o.
Trast  .o0o.

SothPaw wrote:
?? have you screenshot at that maybe i can help you

Well I have figured a workaround. If I change my Desktop Res from 1980 down to 1280, the game fills up the entire screen.

So I think the problem is, when I start the game, my graphics card does not automatically downgrade my res to meet the res of the game.

However, if I start a server and leave it running in the background, it will make it more difficult for me to jump on and play if I have to continually change my desktop res.





Oct 18 2014, 11:58 pm - Replied by: SothPaw  =WT=
SothPaw  =WT=

Trast wrote:

SothPaw wrote:
?? have you screenshot at that maybe i can help you

Well I have figured a workaround. If I change my Desktop Res from 1980 down to 1280, the game fills up the entire screen.

So I think the problem is, when I start the game, my graphics card does not automatically downgrade my res to meet the res of the game.

However, if I start a server and leave it running in the background, it will make it more difficult for me to jump on and play if I have to continually change my desktop res.

ok but the game was that dfx2 or ??you know about df2 do not surport w7that are to old game for w7




Oct 19 2014, 12:02 am - Replied by: SothPaw  =WT=
SothPaw  =WT=

you can try this




Oct 19 2014, 12:04 am - Replied by: SothPaw  =WT=
SothPaw  =WT=




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