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Topic Charlie Hebdo !
Charlie Hebdo !
        Total Views: 24960 - Total Replies: 18
Jan 07 2015, 12:57 pm - By hera75

Jan 07 2015, 2:16 pm - Replied by: SlaveLabor  <=FF=>
SlaveLabor  <=FF=>

Bonjour, Charlie.  Je suis votre maitre.

Jan 08 2015, 12:20 am - Replied by: hera75


SlaveLabor wrote:
Bonjour, Charlie.  Je suis votre maitre.
Jan 08 2015, 12:05 pm - Replied by: hera75

Lui, il va finir mal
Jan 08 2015, 12:06 pm - Replied by: CIAxXVIPERXx  =CIA=

I give it ohhhhh... 1 day. It is apparent you have no morals or feeling toward the innocent and the people who were hunted down and killed yesterday. You put this avatar of yourself in hopes of getting a response... Well, you got one and you are fixing to get more. Everyone in here should BAN you from forums. You and your Snakey friends in ( -SoF- ).. Believe me you have been reported and again, you are a moron and should be BANNED from forums and also from nova DFX 2. You should be ashamed of yourself and should apologize to everyone in here and to novaworld. What a coward and what a socially unacceptable act of using a murderers photo as your own avatar. SHAME ON YOU ! !
Jan 08 2015, 12:14 pm - Replied by: hera75

Jan 09 2015, 7:23 pm - Replied by: Kesha F1
Kesha F1

Everyone in here should BAN you from forums. You and your Snakey friends in ( -SoF- ).. SHAME ON YOU!!

He simple brainless guy. Why did you call them to of conscience?
It has long been clear that SoF - this trash.

R.I.P for all victims and health for injured people. I was shoked, when back in home. Watch the shocked video. Terrorists dead. Good news.

My condolences to all killed.

Medic here, hold on! © JO
Jan 10 2015, 8:09 am - Replied by: BULLTACO..  -SoF-

Kesha F1 wrote:

Everyone in here should BAN you from forums. You and your Snakey friends in ( -SoF- ).. SHAME ON YOU!!

He simple brainless guy.  

that is true you said it all.
Jan 10 2015, 9:21 am - Replied by: hera75

For sure bultaccoco and zack are braniless +1 lol
Jan 10 2015, 9:38 am - Replied by: x. JoKer .x  -SoF-
x. JoKer .x  -SoF-

Well, Well, Well- looks like nothing ever changes in here- CIA still making foolish postsand making him and his squad look even more pathetic. I guess this is all you have though so enjoy- but stay out of our way or we will Crush you!
Jan 10 2015, 11:39 pm - Replied by: hera75

Bien trois terroristes en moins! il y en aura d'autres, mais c'est une guerre et on finira bien par les avoir!

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