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product keys. does anybody still work here?
        Total Views: 83704 - Total Replies: 10
Jan 22 2015, 2:13 pm - By texanmarauder

i bought delta force land warrior a couple of days ago and have yet to receive my product key to be able to play it. been checking my email like nobodys business, inbox and spam. none of my spam mails are deleted till i check em. i have yet to receive it. i have emailed, both the paypal email and the novalogic website support. the store support link doesnt even work. did i get ripped off? does anybody work here or give a crap about the business? my next step is to dispute via paypal
Jan 22 2015, 3:52 pm - Replied by: Jackpine Savage
Jackpine Savage

Same thing happened to me, I purchased Black Hawk Down a few days ago also, and have not received the registration key for that either. I also tried twice to contact them with their online support links, to no avail. Finally, I called 1-818-880-1997, and got an automated message for support, but of course no LIVE person. I left them a message as with my issue, and my e-mail address, we'll see if there's any response from that.
Jan 22 2015, 4:24 pm - Replied by: texanmarauder

all i can say is this crap aint gonna fly. i have opened a dispute with paypal over this. if they cant run the site and keep up with demands of customers, they should take the site down or hire somebody to take care of business, cuz they sure aint.
Jan 22 2015, 6:30 pm - Replied by: texanmarauder

yes i did. my spam doesnt delete automatically. i have to delete em manually. ive been watching it like a hawk

Jan 22 2015, 6:42 pm - Replied by: texanmarauder

tried that already 2 days ago. this aint my first rodeo. the email is supposed to be sent automatically. i never got it and i have received no response from them thus far
Jan 24 2015, 1:21 am - Replied by: texanmarauder

still didnt answer any emails, but they did send me the product key through paypal after i opened a dispute about it. with the type of business they are running here, there should be no reason to wait 2-3 days for something that according to the store site should be sent automatically. im glad they sent it cuz i really like their games, but as for service, they definitly have room for improvement.
May 03 2016, 2:03 pm - Replied by: Environment

I really wonder what's on their mind. I mean, the site is still going on .. they are still making a few sales every now and then on their oldie titles. I'm sure if they come up with some new games, people will come back to play.

Their DFLW and Black Hawk Down were so damn popular. No reason to just shut down and walk away.

But they are still running this site, tells me that Novalogic might just come back some fine day with another name. I would love to play their newer games for sure.

Enviro AuW

Enviro AuW

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