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SWTOR Free To Play/$15 Month Subscribers Promo/Offer
        Total Views: 15030 - Total Replies: 0
Jan 27 2015, 2:59 pm - By XT-Punisher

SWTOR------> www.swtor.com brought to you by many game lovers BIOWARE and LUCAS ARTS.If you love Star Wars, this game has any Star Wars game ever thought of or made beat.Cheating is rare to find or come accross, due to i hear they record gameplay on all servers 24/7, just as the goverment would, so they can go back and see what happened and check a player out during gameplay. Best known way around to stop CHEATING and find a game that cant be cheated on and play and enjoy gaming in a cheat free enviroment.You will love this if you play it and try it.......Its the ONLY game i pay for monthly.Its worth the $15 for the benefits that Free To Play doesent have to offer.You can work solo, as a team, in guilds, socialize, live the game as if you were living in it owning your own strongholds to decorate and live in.This game is always improving and expanding.Its one of the biggest and best Free To Play around.You may be thinkng PAY TO PLAY? I Hate That......Well this game is Pay To Play, But It Is Not PAY TO WIN. There big difference in the to.PAY TO PLAY wont benefit you in this game to overpowering Free To Play necessary.I have been playing this about a year now or a year atleast, im addicted to it and i love it.Its one of biggest and best Free To Play around.

As of 2015 there have been over 50+ Million Characters created.How popular this game is.It is not like any Star Wars game you ever played, ive found alot that bore me believe me.I am a Star Wars Freak, but out of all games i ever played this Star Wars Game was made as the movie would be, it allows you to be many different types of people depending which side you choose to fight Republic/Sith and allows you to fight and live through the game as if it was how life was today in the galaxy.This game has reached over.

 Theres a promo/offer going that gives either FTP/Sunscribers both a one time grant of 7 days of full access to subscription access.That way you see difference and it will get you interested in the $15 a month subscription most of time.I have went through alot of accounts this game is one of those games you have to research and read on how to play or you EFF up over and over on leveling and building your characters, and screw up.Why im starting over now finally be my first account i actually finish, because i chose not to read and research it more before i kept rushing through game and playing it.I spend majority my time on this game now instead Nova Games since its Cheat Free and has things Nova never thought of.IT EVEN HAS BENEFITS LIKE WAR GAMES-------> You can do PVP ANYTIME against anyone, alot squads and guilds join just to do just mainly PVP matches and stuff or like me you can play out missions and storylines solo and in groups sometimes meet new people and enjoy cheat free enviroment.This is not a game you will cheat in and get away with it in believe me, ask anyone whos played since games creation, its impossible way they do things.

Anyways to get the promo of 7 days of Subscribers benefits and gifts and rewards along with it follow these steps......

1.Create Account @ www.swtor.com
2.Log In
3.While You Are Logged In Click This Link -------> http://www.swtor.com/r/twTrtX (Confirm You Agree) 
4.Download Game/Log In And Play/Enjoy

NOTE------> Most people who benefits this most is subscribers, i got extra 500-600 Cartel Coins when i used this Refer A Friend link.Once used it applies to every character you create on your account, the gifts and awards.Free To Play benefits from this as well, but as a BONUS from me, as i said can only be done ONE TIME per account, but if your a former subscriber or if you subscribe, i will personally send you $50,000 SWTOR credits within 72 hours of using this refer link(if your a subscriber or former subscriber) because it will let me know if you are when your player name shows up under refer a friend section.That is my bonus to those who do this.

Now thats a deal-------> $50,000 SWTOR credits from me, plus 7 day full benefits and subscription access, plus gifts and rewards.If you continue to remain a subscriber lots more in game rewards and gifts will come your way for us both for doing this.

The choice is yours, i always do what i say im going to and i never **** anyone when i make a deal, and this deal will be fulfilled 100 percent.I help those who help me, more then those i help who never help me in return. I just thought i would inform and help out those needing 7 days of full SWTOR access and getting a bonus to help them get started and customize there character and gear or whatever to start off with, something SWTOR doesent do for its subscribers even.My main character name in game is xpxpunisherxpx

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