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Can't connect to Comanche 4 Multiplayer
        Total Views: 29095 - Total Replies: 2
Jul 10 2015, 10:15 am - By Supernooob

Hey guys,
I bought the Nocalogic Pack on Steam. Unfortunatly I can't connect in Comache 4 to Nova world I tried it a hundret times but is says "Code 3200" (get same issue in Black Hawlk Down). I completley disabled my firewall and set pu a UDP Port opening for 17200 in my Fritz Box 3272.

thank you in advance for your help

Jul 10 2015, 10:45 am - Replied by: Who.Cares  =ea=
Who.Cares  =ea=

Supernooob wrote:
Hey guys,
I bought the Nocalogic Pack on Steam. Unfortunatly I can't connect in Comache 4 to Nova world I tried it a hundret times but is says "Code 3200" (get same issue in Black Hawlk Down). I completley disabled my firewall and set pu a UDP Port opening for 17200 in my Fritz Box 3272.

thank you in advance for your help

After you start the game, you click on multiplayer this takes you to a screen where you add your name and password, when you click login and it fails due to say, oh I don't know, the database being busy or something, the name and password that are stored on that page when you click 'remember my login details' are deleted and next time you try to log in you have to add them again or you will get a message that says 'Error code 3200, Unkwon name or password'
Jul 10 2015, 1:47 pm - Replied by: Supernooob

I can't find any 'remember my login details' option

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