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Delta Force 1 multiplayer
        Total Views: 26395 - Total Replies: 2
Sep 23 2015, 9:33 pm - By yahman

  I installed my old DF1 game after not playing it for years and could not connect to a Nova server.  I got the game to update after some crap so it was not that, and also shut down the firewall in case that was it.  Got a 'error could not connect to url' or something like that.  I had the multiplayer set to mini browser and Nova connection, same as I used to play on long ago.  No games were listed on the screen either.

  Is this game only played on a private server now or do I need to do something different to get onto Nova.

  While I am here, does BlackHawk Down have the same problems?  I have a old copy of it somewhere and might like to play a little multiplayer for nostalgic fun.

Sep 24 2015, 1:13 am - Replied by: 2DNED

I dont have DF1 but i do know Devilsclaw made a lobby fix only a week ago.
Visit NovaHQ for info how to get it going as they have just put a server up.


Dedicated Mod site for Novalogic games


Sep 24 2015, 5:10 pm - Replied by: yahman

  ^^ Appreciate the help.

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