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Sub-Forum Delta Force Xtreme
Topic Re install
Re install
        Total Views: 28405 - Total Replies: 5
Jun 18 2016, 7:08 am - By PossessedMoD

I am re installing my dfx cd on my new pc but cannot find my cd key.
Is there some way I can retrieve it from my account here?

Jun 20 2016, 1:09 am - Replied by: sog.Ninjaman  .sog.
sog.Ninjaman  .sog.

No - unfortunately.

Oct 19 2016, 6:34 am - Replied by: anubis911

I am re-installing DFX on my new computer, and I do not have my key, so I have purchased a new copy online, but it will not let me download it. Is there anything I can do? I paid for it.

Jay P
Jan 15 2018, 12:31 pm - Replied by: LudicrusLeo

I am in the same kind of boat.I am moving all of my Novalogic games from my old retired slower Windows XP computer to my newer Windows 7 computer and I ran into a problem finding the CD-Keys for bothmy DFX 1 and 2 games even though I have the original retail CDs for them. I tried to retrieve the keys from my Novaworld account for that computer and Novaworld/Novalogic has apparently deleted that account. Now what do I do? Is it now like the game codes have never been installed and activated?If that is the case then I could start from scratch with the original keys? IF I can find them that is.. Since there doesn't seem to be any one from THQ actually following through with support for Novalogic products or Novaworld are we to consider ourselves and the games abandonded?What a bummer!
Jan 17 2018, 1:52 am - Replied by: SothPaw  =WT=
SothPaw  =WT=

are you not get the download from your MY Stuff??you dont need a key from that one




Jan 17 2018, 1:59 am - Replied by: SothPaw  =WT=
SothPaw  =WT=

DELTA FORCE XTREME 2 Digital Download Edition
This product has already been applied to your account




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