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Are the servers alive or dead?
        Total Views: 61160 - Total Replies: 5
Feb 09 2017, 7:56 am - By Environment

Years of LW play but had played the TFD a little while. Wish to know if any servers still up ..
Enviro AuW
Feb 09 2017, 8:15 am - Replied by: PXP Loki
PXP Loki

Apr 17 2018, 2:22 pm - Replied by: saiyangod

how do you play on the servers i can log into nova world in the game and see the other people are on and plyaong can even host my own but the game jjust keeps saying joining game then eventually changes to verifyng the game and doesnt move past that

Apr 17 2018, 7:25 pm - Replied by: Environment

I guess you are on Windows 10 .. it blows!

Try this .. Right click on the main Dflw.exe file by going to "C:Program Files (x86)NovaLogicDelta Force Land WarriorDflw.exe"

Right click that file and then hit Troubleshoot Compatibility. The screen will flicker and do whatever it has to do. You will get the correct recommendation, select the option and hit Save/Ok/Use These Settings.

Shouldn't have any issues joining the server. By the way, you don't even have to login to Nova for joining multiplayer. Search for DFLW lobbies and you will get that file. Moreover, join the FB DFLW community, you can find good help there too.

All the best!

Enviro -AuW-

Enviro AuW
Apr 19 2018, 6:38 pm - Replied by: saiyangod

actually figured it out downloaded a few patcvhes and some other things and im online but now i did the same thing to my fathers pc and for some reason it dont work the same i dont get it 

Apr 19 2018, 8:09 pm - Replied by: Environment

Did you try troubleshooting compatibility?
Enviro AuW

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