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Free Downloadable Copy of F-22 Lightning 3, Fully Updated
        Total Views: 35485 - Total Replies: 0
Mar 22 2017, 9:47 pm - By VeryStableGenius

Just so everyone knows, if you have F-22 Lightning 3 there's no need to go looking around for your old copy. NovaLogic has it uploaded to their public file server. NOTE: If you're running it on a newer system, NovaLogic released an update in 2015 to fix some of the compatibility issues.

First, download and install the full game here:

Secondly, download and install the latest patch here:

Patch Installation:

Download the l3upd8b2.exe and copy to game directory "program files (x86)NovaLogicF-22 Lightning 3". MAKE SURE THE GAMING IS NOT RUNNING. Run "l3upd8b2.exe" as administrator. Open L3.exe from Explorer windows. Agree to: NovaLogic User Agreement. Set "Options". Play.

Note: If you receive "Could not create file..." error, make sure all game instances and processes are stopped.

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