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Game wont connect
        Total Views: 59541 - Total Replies: 5
May 02 2017, 10:05 pm - By Environment

I have authentic version (not downloaded from torrents) downloaded from Steam. Authentic serial number and everything.

When I hit MULTIPLAYER, it allows me to login. I can see all the Public Servers, I click the Outlaws server and see the "Connecting to server" screen and sits there forever.

Have already cleared the cache but still wont connect :/

Any idea what to do?

Enviro AuW
May 03 2017, 11:03 pm - Replied by: VeryStableGenius

Is that server using a mod that you don't have installed? I know it's hard to tell as the server name doesn't suggest so, but it is a possibility. Maybe someone else here knows.
May 04 2017, 1:00 pm - Replied by: One Shot SWAT
One Shot SWAT

Good answer X Psych Ting..........but......where does one get a good collection of mods, please? It says my game is not compatible with many servers...
One Shot Swat - NSA.....for good reason.
May 06 2017, 12:04 pm - Replied by: VeryStableGenius

This looks like it may be a good start. http://www.novahq.net/files.php?ID=413
Jun 07 2017, 7:24 pm - Replied by: Environment

Do the objects show up in multiplayer games or only while playing offline?
Enviro AuW
Apr 17 2018, 2:25 pm - Replied by: saiyangod

i have the same problem any fix yet?

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