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Please help me with a "classical" Delta Force 2 Problem.
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Sep 07 2017, 8:23 pm - By Noddynod443

I'll paste my question in the form of a question/comment I made on youtube. I hope I haven't forgot any details...

Hi, does anyone out there know to answer to my Delta Force 2 (or Delta Force Land Warrior) problem? You spoke about playing coop online and having a blast and all, but I have a LAN IPX (read P.S.) network that's free of the internet that my friends and I have played on using first windows 98s and now the "great, modern" windows xp... Did you ever experience lag during coop gameplay. Everyone except the host computer sees "buggy" "hopping" enemy AI and helicopters go into "orbit" then magically reappear behind you, and if you all try to ride a boat across some water in certain missions involving that; the boat "stutters" across making it impossible for everyone who joined in the game to stay on. (The host just sits back and laughs). All the windows xps meet the system requirements quite well as you would expect for an old game. I've tried using "CPU Grabber" thinkng that the cpu should be slowed down; that didn't work. I'm now thinking of finding a way to slow the the networking card speed if that might help. I have the same problem with Delta Force Land Warrior. windows 98 had the same "lag". Is this just natural?

[P.S.= I don't get the famous "Unable to Initialize Provide" error. The joining computer just takes HOURS to join in (by that time the missions over), so I'm using the programs IPDF2 and IP4LW http://www.novahq.net/clicktracker.php?Item=Files&ID=53 plus  TCP/IP (Internet) for the first time so we can join in "normal time, but the classical lag is still present...]

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