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Armored Fist 3 Online Again?
        Total Views: 23514 - Total Replies: 1
Sep 09 2017, 9:13 pm - By Noddynod443

Ok here is the story,

   I've installed Armored Fist 3 and installed the Lobby fix for it.
I think the lobby fix makes it play on Novaworld.cc

I hosted a game and a buddy of mine joined in. Both tanks are in the game... just how do you start?
you start with a "game settings" window that says "press any key" and after you do that you see the bold red words "Paused"...??
So how do you "unpause" the game and get started?
I've pressed just about every key on the keyboard...
                 Help Please.

Jan 22 2019, 8:24 am - Replied by: Noddynod443

Thank you all you helpful people out there.... (you think someone could make a reply) anyway...

 After reading the armored first 3 manual closely with a "magnifying" glass; I discovered that to "unpause" a multiplayer server the host must press that little "pause/break key" on the keyboard. 

So that solves that mystery. 

if any of y'all want to get the Armored Fist 3 lobby fixes from moddb and start a server. Let's get this classic rolling again!

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