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Sub-Forum Delta Force Xtreme
Topic The doors have changed
The doors have changed
        Total Views: 19731 - Total Replies: 1
Sep 17 2017, 9:21 pm - By Tanya

I bought a high-power TP-LINK TL-WR841HP router.
I checked the gate numbers for the Delta Force Xtreme game on the NovaLogic website, that's what it's been forever there - Doors referring to this game are these (32768, 49152, 64206)
I live in Brazil, and I received from a friend who lives in Canada and who plays this game the following doors (32771, 32775 32779, 32787, 32781, 65535) totally different from the doors I quoted above.
The point is I'm more lost than blind in shooting.
This process here may be long, but I want to make it well explained.
My router when I enter into its settings there are two options that are like this.
Virtual Servers and Shutter Port.
Check the photos and tell me what name I give and what port I use, and if the IP is the one on my computer that is Ipv4
or if it is the default gateway.

In these two options there is only way to put IP and the number of ports related to the game, the question is I do not know what number you put in them of the ones I mentioned above, to be able to open the ports on the router.
One more thing I only play Delta Force Xtreme in the SO system Mod, I heard that the used ports system is the same only changes the system to put the name.

In these configurations of the router there are 2 more systems, the name DMZ AND THE NAME UPnP By the description says that it is to be able to access the internet for a specific type of service such as online games or video conferencing.
In the DMZ you have the option to activate and put the IP address of the DMZ station.
And in the UPnP system you have the options of Application Description, IP Address, External Port Number ... TCP and UDP, and finally Internal Port Number.
Can someone help me put the right door to this game.
I already released them in Windows 7 Firewall and I need to free them here on the router so I can make a host.
Thanks in advance for your attention and sorry for my English.
or if it is the default gateway.

Sep 18 2017, 4:23 am - Replied by: PLAzmA

The option you need is virtual server, not sure on dfx, but if its anything like joint ops you only actually need single port forward to host.

Typically the port you need for joint ops would just be 32768 udp

as i said this is likely the same with dfx.

the port you need to check should be in your game.cfg file, the is an example of this by dd-huntor here:


your friend likely changed his game.cfg the other thing is (some routers dont support it and some you have to turn it on and some will do it by default) turn on something called nat refection... without it you can host but you wont be able to join your own server from a second copy in the same network... but if you only have one copy and intend do host and play, its not something you need to worry about.

The router you have sadly being the hp version wont take a ddwrt or openwrt flash where as most of the normal 841 routers will, but the spec looks good and those antennas are huuuuge :-) it must get some good range.

so service door : 32768
internal door : 32768
ip : the static ip of your server/computer
Type: UDP

oh and on the upnp option, its good security practice to turn this option off completely.

on your pc make sure you have set the ip address using a static method and not by dhcp, as the moment dhcp gives you a new ip your going to find the port forward is broken and will need changing to the new ip.

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