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F-16 Multi-Role Fighter Cannot Start in Steam
        Total Views: 39475 - Total Replies: 3
Nov 08 2017, 8:05 am - By Hanracus

I just bought Novalogic's F-16 MRF flight simulator computer game on Steam recently, and I was able to download and install the game successfully.
However, I was not able to start the game at all, despite numerous attempts of trying to do so.
I do not know exactly what the problem is about, and I also do not know how to go about fixing and solving this repetitive start-up error problem that I'm currently experiencing.
I would like to seek the help and assistance of anyone who has the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience to be able to guide and support me in resolving this unwanted start-up issue as soon as possible.
Thank you very much!
Nov 08 2017, 9:22 am - Replied by: Who.Cares  =ea=
Who.Cares  =ea=

Hanracus wrote:
I just bought Novalogic's F-16 MRF flight simulator computer game on Steam recently, and I was able to download and install the game successfully.
However, I was not able to start the game at all, despite numerous attempts of trying to do so.
I do not know exactly what the problem is about, and I also do not know how to go about fixing and solving this repetitive start-up error problem that I'm currently experiencing.
I would like to seek the help and assistance of anyone who has the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience to be able to guide and support me in resolving this unwanted start-up issue as soon as possible.
Thank you very much!
Nov 01 2022, 8:36 pm - Replied by: AlbanianKLA

Hanracus wrote:
I just bought Novalogic's F-16 MRF flight simulator computer game on Steam recently, and I was able to download and install the game successfully.
However, I was not able to start the game at all, despite numerous attempts of trying to do so.
I do not know exactly what the problem is about, and I also do not know how to go about fixing and solving this repetitive start-up error problem that I'm currently experiencing.
I would like to seek the help and assistance of anyone who has the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience to be able to guide and support me in resolving this unwanted start-up issue as soon as possible.
Thank you very much!
just download the game from here http://files.novalogic.com/C3/vvv58og/ and search google glide2x.dll wrapper and also ipx wrapper so that this game works in 3d in windows 10 the ipx lets u play on lan and should work on novaworld if novalogic fixes it on their side 
Nov 08 2022, 1:21 am - Replied by: AlbanianKLA


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