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Why was I banned from !Julies Party! server?
        Total Views: 68364 - Total Replies: 45
Nov 14 2017, 4:43 am - By LORDROACH

Hello. Would someone please let me know why I was banned from Julies Party server?
I did nothing wrong and I was given no warning nor reason and cannot even comment on their website nor enquire to anyone to why I was banned.
I am actually quite surprised that this has even happened and did absolutely nothing wrong hence the reason to why I wrote this post and didn't just walk away.
I have never been banned in my entire life from any server or any game and was shocked to find out that I have been banned without any reason at all.

Surely this was a mistake and my IP was banned by accident?

I really don't care if you keep the ban I am just totally stunned to why I was banned in the first place? Could an admin contact me please?

Thank you.

After some thought I have decided not to worry about this server anymore. I will say that I do not condone this server but rather condone the admin who banned me without any reason nor justification. (Must have been having a bad day with my well placed claymores!)
Therefore, if you are not banned and see this server I actually recommend it. The maps were good and the players were pretty honest. Thanks Julie for running this server for quite some time now and I wish you the best for the future. I hope that the admin who banned me can be more considerate in the future to other players and not ban players because they play a strategic and clean game.

I apologize to anyone else that this may have happened to, it is not your fault.
Have a great day!
Thank you.
Somebody's gotta do it.
Nov 30 2017, 12:48 am - Replied by: SothPaw  =WT=
SothPaw  =WT=

hi ther i know joker in the server and he are good guy to. if someone ban you for hack/cheat or maybe you kill alot and thats maybe you was banned.i dont know you and if someone saw you do something in server or maybe they whatch you  and they busted you for hacking,

from Sothpaw_WT_




Dec 03 2017, 4:19 pm - Replied by: LORDROACH

Hello Sothpaw_WT_

Thank you for the reply. I did not hack nor have ever hacked in any servers. I die on average 2-3 times before I even get 1 kill. At my age even I have no reason to hack in a game let alone get my account banned from a server.

But I will tell you what happened....

I was playing as "Plastickneecaps".(Not LORDROACH)
We were being "Base raped". So I ran into an armoury near our spawn. I had died so many times already and got sick of it so I decided to bunk in. I placed a claymore at the door every time someone ran in. The claymores were always placed in different positions. Because I was in an armoury I had unlimited claymores as you would know.
While in the armoury I saw someone type, "Hes flying in the sky."
(Therefore someone was actually hacking at the time!)  So yes, I am not denying someone was actually hacking in the server while I was in the armoury but I could not confirm who it was and by not seeing a name tag for a screenshot they were probably even on the opposite team. So I continued playing as normal for another 5 minutes before leaving. The next day I went to play on the server and I was......" banned?"

I used to belong to a clan a few years ago (Oceanic Eagles -OE-), and we frowned upon hacking. I even reported a few hackers because I loved this game and they ruined it for me. (I even created maps for BHD taking months and hours of time and came 2nd in a competition in Australia.)
So being banned for something I hate and have never done is outrageous!
I will say again, The wrong person was banned, I did not hack, my kill ratio is terrible and the admin banned the wrong guy!!!!!
I can't prove to anyone it wasn't me but if you knew me and what I even do for a living the ban would be lifted instantly. Im not a bad person especially a HACKER!!!

I still think my IP was banned by accident. I have seen it done before and more than once.  And I will stand my ground, the admin made a mistake and banned a clean player who doesnt swear at anyone, respects others and hates cheaters.

If you know this admin, please lift the ban thank you, they got the wrong person. And I even challenge anyone to a screenshot or image of me hacking please. I bet nobody can.

Once again thank you for the reply Sothpaw -WT_. I really appreciate it.

Overall, even if I am still accused of something I did not do I bet nobody has any proof to back this claim up. And to all the hackers out there....YOU RUINED A GOOD GAME!!

Though leaving with a positive for Julies Server I am happy that an active admin is willing to remove any "Hackers" as they arise.

That is why I still recommend this server.

Thank you. Peace...

Somebody's gotta do it.
Dec 03 2017, 4:56 pm - Replied by: LORDFERRET

I have known roach for a long time and you have banned the wrong guy.
Dec 04 2017, 12:59 am - Replied by: SothPaw  =WT=
SothPaw  =WT=

hi im sry to hear this all. but did you try to talk to joker??if not try this site becouse i know this guys very well and you can try to join the site to and try to get someone ther to talk about this http://foggers.spruz.com/




Dec 05 2017, 3:33 am - Replied by: PXP Loki
PXP Loki

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.Liberty and justice for for all that pledge allegiance to America. Period. make america great again
Dec 05 2017, 6:53 pm - Replied by: LORDROACH

Thanks for a reply Chest Candy but my testosterone is not the issue at the moment.
Somebody's gotta do it.
Dec 05 2017, 7:07 pm - Replied by: LORDROACH

SothPaw wrote:
hi im sry to hear this all. but did you try to talk to joker??if not try this site becouse i know this guys very well and you can try to join the site to and try to get someone ther to talk about this http://foggers.spruz.com/

Thanks Sothpaw, I will try this website. I really do appreciate your help. Thank you so much. Like I said earlier I could have walked away but I did nothing wrong so I will pursue this issue.

Thank you.
Somebody's gotta do it.
Dec 06 2017, 1:54 am - Replied by: SothPaw  =WT=
SothPaw  =WT=

Chest Candy wrote:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.Liberty and justice for for all that pledge allegiance to America. Period. make america great again
Thank you




Dec 09 2017, 1:23 pm - Replied by: Who.Cares  =ea=
Who.Cares  =ea=

SothPaw wrote:

Chest Candy wrote:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.Liberty and justice for for all that pledge allegiance to America. Period. make america great again
Thank you
you are from sweden kook !! sothpuff https://media.tenor.co/images/af9bc329794fa6666519d4d02ed76b81/raw
Dec 10 2017, 2:16 am - Replied by: SothPaw  =WT=
SothPaw  =WT=




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