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Sub-Forum Delta Force Xtreme
Topic Installing DFX...
Installing DFX...
        Total Views: 23874 - Total Replies: 1
Jul 03 2018, 3:00 pm - By JungleRatt

Hi everyone, I need some help pls… I purchased the game dfx on novaworld, had to pay like 15 euros and it went trough my account.So the game was automaticly put into my account with game key, now when i download the game trough my stuff,and then run the installer it needs the game key in order to proceed but didn't got the key it was put into my account,so can't get to it... Does anyone know how to fix this ? thank u in advance.with kind regards,
Jul 03 2018, 3:30 pm - Replied by: JungleRatt

After messin around I found the cure myself sorry for posting this but found the key in an e-mail that was in my spam folder...So pls disregard this topic.

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