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Sep 05 2018, 2:47 pm - Replied by: BuIIdog1  -USM-
BuIIdog1  -USM-

Ron.. wrote:

Larry I will kill you guy and X Psych Ting is involving in , without matter, in almost all discutions around here,you will all die! bad death with leaves on top,
Obviously your one drunk S0N 0F A B!tch

Sep 05 2018, 8:18 pm - Replied by: VeryStableGenius

Sep 06 2018, 2:36 pm - Replied by: MOXEE.  -USM-

Is it down again?

Warning: Could not retrieve data for DFX2 from NovalogicJoint Operations and Delta Force - Global
Sep 07 2018, 2:51 pm - Replied by: RogMan FFS  =FFS=
RogMan FFS  =FFS=

Someone has an idea, where I could get the original .php files to put on a server side, to host the listing lobby of the games "Joint Operation"?ThanksRogMan FFSfreedomfighterssquad.infopj.com
Sep 07 2018, 4:31 pm - Replied by: VeryStableGenius

Sep 07 2018, 5:09 pm - Replied by: PLAzmA

the issue is the raw data is encoded and there are only a few people who have worked out how its encoded, sadly ive not seen anyone share how to decode the gsb files. there is a bit of info out there for the older glb format, there is still a glb version of the file thats sometime there... other times not, but sadly it appears since the where using glb originally the file structure, columns changed or the key and ive only ever managed to get a half garbled export to work on the older glb format.

if novaworld.cc is truly gone, it would be great if they could at least share their code or the info of how to dump the data from the gsb files.
Sep 08 2018, 2:20 pm - Replied by: VeryStableGenius


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