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Lost keys
        Total Views: 37707 - Total Replies: 7
Sep 04 2018, 8:41 am - By Marshall Mathers
Marshall Mathers

Due to virus I had to format my notebook and lost all the Delta Force product keys.
How can I recover the keys?
Marshall Mathers
Sep 04 2018, 12:22 pm - Replied by: PLAzmA

You cant technically, if you have the cd install and no longer have the original disk (printed code), you can buy the game again on steam if you dont have a backup of the keys, if you purchased already on steam you should be able to recover the keys on there.

You can purchase again from here:

However as you have a working login (with an already associated serial) you could in theory try getting someone who has already installed to give you a zip/rar of their installed folder, if its like the other games you should be able to use that and your working login to run the game without having to install.

Or you might try installing the steam (web) installer from:

I believe this has no CD serial check during the install and then use your existing nova login (which has an associated serial) once its installed.

Sep 04 2018, 4:52 pm - Replied by: Ron.

This guy, p!azma is a thief, basically, and he dare to share advice to innocent people around here, inside this forum, as an innocent child. plazma,  do you remember the the winter of 2016, when you stolen all maps from my computers?   If you don't, i am doing it right now, if you have such a short mind. In your single cell of your brain, does it, one of it, just vibrate, as you did a bad thing? At that time? Or you're sleeping well, with nice dreams, as your mama told.,.,..... to be a thief............????
Sep 05 2018, 11:23 am - Replied by: BuIIdog1  -USM-
BuIIdog1  -USM-

Ron. wrote:
  , inside this forum, ............????
Yea I will be inside your wife tonight. "Flexing" as she rides the big bad pony.

Sep 05 2018, 12:40 pm - Replied by: Sweed --SoJ--
Sweed --SoJ--


Ron. wrote:
  , inside this forum, ............????
Yea I will be inside your wife tonight. "Flexing" as she rides the big bad pony.
I wish there would be some kind of admin here (getting to rude and mean).
Sep 05 2018, 2:40 pm - Replied by: BuIIdog1  -USM-
BuIIdog1  -USM-

Sweed --SoJ-- wrote:


Ron. wrote:
  , inside this forum, ............????
Yea I will be inside your wife tonight. "Flexing" as she rides the big bad pony.
I wish there would be some kind of admin here (getting to rude and mean).
Yes you are correct, Ron is very rude and mean. Ron never stops, he is relentless.

Sep 06 2018, 11:39 am - Replied by: Sweed --SoJ--
Sweed --SoJ--

Yes, i have been informed of your personal grudges,did not know about those,and its too bad you do it public,,but Public hate and evil comments make players here hide their faces behind stupid profile pictures such as mine,and shut their profile pages from curious eyes, and more unwilling to share things in this amazing social media,,many here who have been backstabbed.
Sep 06 2018, 11:45 am - Replied by: Sweed --SoJ--
Sweed --SoJ--

Sorry Marshall ,i replied to others, i hope someone who knows better helps you, with all respect.

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