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DFX2 Nova connecting
        Total Views: 53048 - Total Replies: 7
Oct 09 2018, 7:06 am - By SunshineNL

Echt droevig dit.

Servers zijn blijkbaar up and running maar geraak er dus niet op met account, geen login en blijft maar op Connecting Nova server hangen.
Kan hier zien dat de servers draaien namelijk:

En natuurlijk geen players aanwezig, ben dus niet de enige..

Oct 09 2018, 7:17 am - Replied by: CaptainCondom

Ja echt droevig. Ik zie dat het nog steeds geneukt is

Oct 09 2018, 8:05 am - Replied by: SunshineNL

Yes, the game is realy sucks on nova servers.
It was always a good game till years ago and a lot of cheaters.

I think it is time to leave this golly and get a real live with good play servers.
Jan 30 2019, 10:54 am - Replied by: PXP-WINGNUT  -PxP-

server are located over sea's ,  

Jan 31 2019, 4:27 pm - Replied by: SunshineNL

I realy don't understand you, i'm not crying at all, just sad on the servers and some players who's cheating and glitching, they know it.

But no problem, i leave and play only Coop sometimes.

Have fun.

server are located over sea's ,  for years people in Australia complain about lag and speeds.  also people in Europe complain too.

now the server are over sea's us in USofA now have the big witch ... yes lounge is laggie for those playing in this hemisphere !!

you witch you wanted more , you guy mad MOD hacks ,   CEO (Lee Miligain) of NovaLogic was force to sale because of lack of Sales because of said hacks 
Now it's been sold to THQ  Sweden and a year after the sale they move server over there .. this is when it got bad for us in USA .. and better for then over there ..

so don't cry, you wanted more and now look ????  

SunshineNL wrote:
Yes, the game is realy sucks on nova servers.
It was always a good game till years ago and a lot of cheaters.

I think it is time to leave this golly and get a real live with good play servers.
Feb 05 2019, 11:43 am - Replied by: Sweed --SoJ--
Sweed --SoJ--

SunshineNL wrote:
I realy don't understand you, i'm not crying at all, just sad on the servers and some players who's cheating and glitching, they know it.

But no problem, i leave and play only Coop sometimes.

Have fun.

Thats what i do nowadays too,or play offline.
May 29 2019, 5:09 am - Replied by: PXP-WINGNUT  -PxP-


May 29 2019, 5:16 am - Replied by: PXP-WINGNUT  -PxP-

Playing off line is much harder

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