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Ban or Punt Player in DFLW
        Total Views: 79285 - Total Replies: 9
Dec 08 2018, 3:39 am - By Boka Pugua-BM-
Boka Pugua-BM-

Help !!!
I'm hosting a DFLW server. I have an obnoxious player that I can't ban within the command panel. I can't even ban him with LAN Messenger.
Is there a loophole / glitch that I need fixed ?
Or am I stuck with this rude player ?
If I can't ban his IP then the server will go down.
Please help !!!
Dec 08 2018, 7:12 pm - Replied by: TheWraith  -PxP-
TheWraith  -PxP-

Anyone who hosts a game with the "Require NovaWorld Login" box checked can ban a player from future games. 

To ban a player, look up their #ID on the player list (K Key). You will see each player listed in this format: 


Press the ~ key to open a command line and type "Ban" followed by their ID number (do not type the # symbol). It will look like this: 

"Ban 02" 

This enters their PCID number in the banlist.txt file. The "banlist.txt" file is created the first time you host a game and the PCID numbers are generated when a player logs into NovaWorld and is linked to their CD Key. Banning a player from your server will ban all characters (up to 5) in that player’s NovaWorld account. 

To remove someone from your banned list, you must manually delete the appropriate entry in the file. Do not manually edit the file while the game is running. The game will automatically update the file and reverse your changes. You may also manually add entries (so hosts can share banned player ID's). 

Banlist.txt entry examples: 
BAN ""  
BAN "A-M4-RALZZG" Mongoose 
BAN "A-N2-KRRMA3" Blackhawk 

Once a player is banned, you will need to "punt" them from the game. You do this by simply opening a command line with the ~ key and typing, "punt" and the player's #ID. It looks like: "punt 02". Whether you have banned them or not, this will immediately eject them from the game.
Dec 08 2018, 7:19 pm - Replied by: TheWraith  -PxP-
TheWraith  -PxP-

When you Host your own game you can Punt or Ban unwanted players.

First press the K key to view the Player List. 
Find the number next to the player that you want to remove from your game. 
Then press the ~ key(Tilde). This will bring up the Command Line. Type: PUNT and the player's two digit number. And press ENTER. 
This will kick that player out of your game temporary (they will be able to rejoin your game after clicking on your game listing at the Novaworld page).

BAN and the player's number. To permanently remove the player from the game.

Dec 08 2018, 8:19 pm - Replied by: Boka Pugua-BM-
Boka Pugua-BM-

Hey .. thanks for the response.
I've hosted for over 10 years now.
I've punted/banned players before using the methods you stated.
But for some reason, the player COULD NOT be booted.
The game messages says punting/banning player***, but the player doesn't leave .. the player is not immediately punted.
That has never happened before in my years of hosting.
As I stated, I used the methods before, just as you mentioned, in addition to LAN messenger, with no immediate results.

The players IP is listed in the DFLW bannedrange text file.
The player hasn't returned in 12 hours now. So all is good.

But, Is there a loophole / glitch that I need fixed ?
Should I take further actions if this is a hacker? Who, what, where do I report this type of behavior ?

Thanks again for your help.
Dec 09 2018, 9:23 am - Replied by: TheWraith  -PxP-
TheWraith  -PxP-

Boka Pugua-BM- wrote:

But, Is there a loophole / glitch that I need fixed ?
Should I take further actions if this is a hacker? Who, what, where do I report this type of behavior ?

I do not know of any glitch/loophole that can be fixed.

You used to be able to report to novaworld...But now no one is here to answer so we are flying without a pilot.

Hacker? of the game ? or in general?

If you are hosting LAN then someone who is present with you is the problem,That should be easy to find.

If you are hosting online I think the simple punt/bann should be enough to fix your problem.

Did you ever try to PM said trouble maker on Nova Forums?

If you have the same players on a regular basis you could try to contact them with a password for your server also.

I hope any of this helps.
Dec 09 2018, 2:14 pm - Replied by: Boka Pugua-BM-
Boka Pugua-BM-

Thank You for your posts.
Dec 09 2018, 5:21 pm - Replied by: TheWraith  -PxP-
TheWraith  -PxP-

Boka Pugua-BM- wrote:
Thank You for your posts.

Your welcome...Anytime.
Apr 09 2019, 1:22 pm - Replied by: ol boone
ol boone

ol boone here. its a bummer when one !@#$%^ messes it up for us all. Thanks for hosting, been along time player. keep up the good work. ol boone
Apr 12 2019, 8:10 am - Replied by: PXP-WINGNUT  -PxP-

As always , well done .. 

Just seeing this one .. haven't been on line for a while .. 

busy  ... Spring such joy ?

TheWraith wrote:

Boka Pugua-BM- wrote:
Thank You for your posts.

Your welcome...Anytime.
May 12 2021, 1:19 pm - Replied by: ol boone
ol boone

boka, ol boone  / shellshock here. cant get inti dflw. is the server down?

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