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Why i got Banned from Solitary Sniper..
        Total Views: 41180 - Total Replies: 12
Jan 01 2019, 7:08 pm - By Bluelives

I never cheat on the game, someone lie to the serve so I can get banned from the game for no reason … Please can anyone help get back to Solitary Sniper.. 
Jan 05 2019, 2:34 pm - Replied by: JOHN ROCK  -PxP-

wrong forum dude .... 

never heard of it .. 
I am the REAL PXP-JOHN ROCK that other guy is bullshit !!!!
Feb 20 2019, 3:04 pm - Replied by: AlphaMFoxtrot

Well, I also just got banned (apparently) from Solitary/Solitary Sniper. No explanation, warning, or idea why--just bingo, off the game, can't get back on. Been playing since the DF1 days, never cheated, so who knows why?

Strictly amateur hour to ban folks without slightest warning. Asked one of their squad members on another server to check it out for me, thinking it a mistake, but...

Wouldn't care, but it seemed a good TDM sniper server without silly rules like no lying down, etc.

Oh, well... (sorry if this reply is on wrong forum subject, just replying)

Mar 20 2019, 10:41 am - Replied by: quebec001  -USM-
quebec001  -USM-

i second this bad rule"silly rules like no lying down, etc. "
one sniper is made for lay down
Mar 20 2019, 3:03 pm - Replied by: TheWraith  -PxP-
TheWraith  -PxP-

quebec001 wrote:
i second this bad rule"silly rules like no lying down, etc. "
one sniper is made for lay down

Hey I have a great idea for the 2 of you...


1. PAY a Monthly fee for dedicated server
2. Find and install maps.
3. ADMIN said server.
4. Put up with and listen to bitchy wine bags.
5. Try to make everyone happy.

If you don't like the rules of the HOST go somewhere else and play.

If you get banned find out who the host is and go to them directly.

I don't know the server you are talking about .

But before bitching about rules realize you are a GUEST in ANY server but your OWN.

Mar 21 2019, 6:28 am - Replied by: quebec001  -USM-
quebec001  -USM-

TheWraith wrote:
i second this bad rule"silly rules like no lying down, etc. "
one sniper is made for lay down

Hey I have a great idea for the 2 of you...



Sorry for one english, it's not my main language!
Hey! its one forum and is normal
(the server is realSnipers)
in terms of paying, I paid a Novalogic $$ pack, the servers conveyed on the Novalogic platform must respect rules too, administartif abuses ect ...
A forum is made to discuss and brought different opinions, otherwise it gives what to call it a forum, the only answer you add, if you're not happy create your own server (basically it means rid!

you do not make the difference between bitching and give an opinion of improvement?
Briefly compare my post and compare with your replay,  which of the two enters into "report abuse" that you represented?
So its ok you are the boss and i respect this!
Mar 21 2019, 10:22 am - Replied by: TheWraith  -PxP-
TheWraith  -PxP-

quebec001 wrote:

TheWraith wrote:
i second this bad rule"silly rules like no lying down, etc. "
one sniper is made for lay down

Hey I have a great idea for the 2 of you...



Sorry for one english, it's not my main language!
Hey! its one forum and is normal
(the server is realSnipers)
in terms of paying, I paid a Novalogic $$ pack, the servers conveyed on the Novalogic platform must respect rules too, administartif abuses ect ...
A forum is made to discuss and brought different opinions, otherwise it gives what to call it a forum, the only answer you add, if you're not happy create your own server (basically it means rid!

you do not make the difference between bitching and give an opinion of improvement?
Briefly compare my post and compare with your replay,  which of the two enters into "report abuse" that you represented?
So its ok you are the boss and i respect this!

Maybe the term bitching was not called for...

Sorry let me clear this up for you..

You paid NovaLogic money for the right to use their game and THEIR servers that NOVA host's.

IF you are not playing in a NOVA HOSTED server , Then you have NO rights to play in that server what so ever.

Simply put in ANY server NOT hosted by NOVA you are a guest of that HOST server...PERIOD.

Real Snipers is a private server that alows players to play there  as GUEST'S.

GUEST= NO RIGHTS to play there.

If a guest breaks rules then the HOST can and may bann you.

Mar 21 2019, 11:27 am - Replied by: quebec001  -USM-
quebec001  -USM-

TheWraith wrote:

If a guest breaks rules then the HOST can and may bann you.

ok but there is not any question of whether or not me getting banning, this is a discussion on the main rule of this server which is no laydown. I simply say that ask any sniper of the navy, and he will shoot lying
(I said) In short, we will have no real honest discussion with you who wants to have absolutely the last word, I stop it
Mar 21 2019, 1:04 pm - Replied by: TheWraith  -PxP-
TheWraith  -PxP-

quebec001 wrote:

ok but there is not any question of whether or not me getting banning, this is a discussion on the main rule of this server which is no laydown. I simply say that ask any sniper of the navy, and he will shoot lying
In short, we will have no real honest discussion with you who wants to have absolutely the last word, I stop it

If you quote me I reply.

I am only trying to be helpful.

I do NOT care about the last word.

Again the discussion ends with this...

Their server ,Their rules.
Mar 21 2019, 1:09 pm - Replied by: TheWraith  -PxP-
TheWraith  -PxP-

Take up the discussion with the server owners if you do not like their rules.

Mar 21 2019, 5:44 pm - Replied by: DVS14U2-PXP  -PxP-
DVS14U2-PXP  -PxP-

TheWraith wrote:
Take up the discussion with the server owners if you do not like their rules.

100% Wraith, if it not a nova server but a private server they are a guest ..
Said host of a private server has right to let on or not let guest play in there private server ..
maybe they ban them for the was the wear there hair, and how funny they sound when the talk , or in chat they thought ... WOW these guys are stupid so they ban them ..

Personally most of my ban are because I just feel like banning ass-clowns !!
and while I'm on this subject .. I think after this conversation I'll look them up and grab there PCID and ban them too.. 

WHY one might say ...  because I can !!!!    

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