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Topic Name change
Name change
        Total Views: 27844 - Total Replies: 6
May 18 2019, 3:32 am - By Firedances

There prob some topics about this already, but i wanna put a clan tag behind my name, i found the name change page already and i have 1 token.

Problem is, i change my name from Firedances --> Firedances W@W and it says

FiredancesW@W is already a member

Why is that? there is never been a FiredancesW@W before. 

Can sombody help me?
May 18 2019, 3:33 am - Replied by: Firedances

It does not really mather what name i do, my own, firo, firedances with W@W it always seems to say FAIL   is already a member
May 22 2019, 5:33 pm - Replied by: PXP-WINGNUT  -PxP-

this is because you or someone else has used it on one of novalogic gaming platforms.
Try Adding a space or something else ... should work ..


so many different ways....  you cant always have what you want , but if you try sometimes you can get what you need    ????

Good Luck !

Firedances wrote:
There prob some topics about this already, but i wanna put a clan tag behind my name, i found the name change page already and i have 1 token.

Problem is, i change my name from Firedances --> Firedances W@W and it says

FiredancesW@W is already a member

Why is that? there is never been a FiredancesW@W before. 

Can sombody help me?

May 23 2019, 6:29 am - Replied by: Drag0nWarrior  <:BOB:>
Drag0nWarrior  <:BOB:>

Firedances wrote:
It does not really mather what name i do, my own, firo, firedances with W@W it always seems to say FAIL   is already a member

You can't use

!@#$%^&*()    in a name, it will always say FAIL
May 23 2019, 9:44 am - Replied by: Firedances

Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting
May 23 2019, 9:45 am - Replied by: Firedances

Then how is it possible people have W@W  the @ in the name?
No telling me this is not possible..

Some people did it and some can't.. its strange. 

Also i tried many ways, if you use @ its gonna say no.. but i still think its strange.
May 23 2019, 12:06 pm - Replied by: MOXEE  -PUG-

Firedances wrote:
Then how is it possible people have W@W  the @ in the name?
No telling me this is not possible..

Some people did it and some can't.. its strange. 

Also i tried many ways, if you use @ its gonna say no.. but i still think its strange.
Back in the day before 2016 you could, but not anymore.

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