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Topic This go's out to bull taco
This go's out to bull taco
        Total Views: 34648 - Total Replies: 3
Aug 13 2019, 5:13 pm - By StandAlone

You're the dumbest! trailer park trashiest! Pig face backstabber untrustworthy **dick** sucker, a worthless piece of **shit** a accident waiting to happen a over growth on my ass cheek, the toilet paper that I wipe my **ass** whole with the biggest **douche bag** of the world you're a follower not a leader in the United Kingdom way off saying things your wanker your bloody **cunt** united States way see you next Tuesday! You like being someone's **bitch** bull taco's wife is transgender with a bigger penis then he has and bull taco's a **pussy** that can't understand the right of mind on why he is born and how **retarded** he really is. Your kids are only adopted because your wife's a man and she only likes it in the butt. You're the oldest piece of **shit** that still sits at a desk for a job harassing other people because his **penis** is so small. You ain't hard you ain't tough you're a pussy the hides behind the computer having a proxy IP to hide your own information on your whereabouts you're a deadbeat dad you're probably a alcoholic barbecuing chicken with your cheap **pissy** beer and so-called **shitty** **ass** breath with all your teeth missing or fucked up because you smoke too much chronic and you are born is a crackhead. I think your Mom dropped you on your head and she also made a mistake by even bringing you in this world
Aug 25 2019, 6:17 am - Replied by: DVS14U2-PXP  -PxP-
DVS14U2-PXP  -PxP-

LOL ....  "WOW"

StandAlone wrote:
You're the dumbest! trailer park trashiest! Pig face backstabber untrustworthy **dick** sucker, a worthless piece of **shit** a accident waiting to happen a over growth on my ass cheek, the toilet paper that I wipe my **ass** whole with the biggest **douche bag** of the world you're a follower not a leader in the United Kingdom way off saying things your wanker your bloody **cunt** united States way see you next Tuesday! You like being someone's **bitch** bull taco's wife is transgender with a bigger penis then he has and bull taco's a **pussy** that can't understand the right of mind on why he is born and how **retarded** he really is. Your kids are only adopted because your wife's a man and she only likes it in the butt. You're the oldest piece of **shit** that still sits at a desk for a job harassing other people because his **penis** is so small. You ain't hard you ain't tough you're a pussy the hides behind the computer having a proxy IP to hide your own information on your whereabouts you're a deadbeat dad you're probably a alcoholic barbecuing chicken with your cheap **pissy** beer and so-called **shitty** **ass** breath with all your teeth missing or fucked up because you smoke too much chronic and you are born is a crackhead. I think your Mom dropped you on your head and she also made a mistake by even bringing you in this world
Aug 26 2019, 8:58 am - Replied by: TheWraith  -PxP-
TheWraith  -PxP-

StandAlone wrote:
You're the dumbest! trailer park trashiest! Pig face backstabber untrustworthy **dick** sucker, a worthless piece of **shit** a accident waiting to happen a over growth on my ass cheek, the toilet paper that I wipe my **ass** whole with the biggest **douche bag** of the world you're a follower not a leader in the United Kingdom way off saying things your wanker your bloody **cunt** united States way see you next Tuesday! You like being someone's **bitch** bull taco's wife is transgender with a bigger penis then he has and bull taco's a **pussy** that can't understand the right of mind on why he is born and how **retarded** he really is. Your kids are only adopted because your wife's a man and she only likes it in the butt. You're the oldest piece of **shit** that still sits at a desk for a job harassing other people because his **penis** is so small. You ain't hard you ain't tough you're a pussy the hides behind the computer having a proxy IP to hide your own information on your whereabouts you're a deadbeat dad you're probably a alcoholic barbecuing chicken with your cheap **pissy** beer and so-called **shitty** **ass** breath with all your teeth missing or fucked up because you smoke too much chronic and you are born is a crackhead. I think your Mom dropped you on your head and she also made a mistake by even bringing you in this world

 Ummm....You may want to switch to decaf. Push away from the keyboard for a second and take a breath. Dang.

As you may or may not have noticed I dont post alot. 

Why you may ask??

Frankly I dont care about what players or people think about me. I have far better things to do than wory about the opinions of others.

 Now that being said I think alot of the of the players within this forum are wound just a little to tight. Its just a game and no one player/person on these forums is any better than the next. 

Get out and enjoy life , sitting behing a keyboard waiting for a response is NO way to live life.   
Aug 26 2019, 1:29 pm - Replied by: PXP Loki
PXP Loki



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