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Where to put in the key serial?
        Total Views: 25126 - Total Replies: 1
Aug 29 2019, 4:35 pm - By Jay Cutler
Jay Cutler

Hi.. i bought the delta force series on steam.. now i want to play dfx2, when the game opens i have to log in.. so i did that (i have a account on novalogic) then i got a popup in my screen from steam with the serial number in case i need it.. but when i log in then comes a message from the game that i must put my serial number on novalogic.com.. now i look everywhere but i cant find where to enter my serial key.. (i can't put the serial key in my steam account also)

Can anybody help me?

Thank you

Sep 01 2019, 2:16 am - Replied by: SothPaw  =WT=
SothPaw  =WT=

you dont need your key just go to meny and do what they say,


you have to create account on >>> http://www.novaworld2.com/index.php?idtag=4d1bb9607b172&do=/public/ <<< to activate your DFX2 game, after creating a account, sign in and you should be good.




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