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I need help getting the keys back for all of my Novalogic games.
        Total Views: 24614 - Total Replies: 16
Apr 07 2020, 3:33 pm - By TRRF Rebel Alpha
TRRF Rebel Alpha

I bought my games through the Novalogic site and I lost my keys. I got the everything bundle and all my keys have been bound to my account. I'm trying to install my games to my Windows 10 gaming laptop and for most of them I can't because I need my keys.
Apr 07 2020, 6:06 pm - Replied by: Zylfrax791

Honestly I hate to tell you this but you are completely SOL. THQ Nordic absolutely will not respond to any emails to reset passwords etc. You really need to try to find your original email you used and try to remember your password.
Apr 07 2020, 6:24 pm - Replied by: TRRF Rebel Alpha
TRRF Rebel Alpha

I have my original email address and password, but I must of deleted the reply email apparently since GMail is unable to find it in search using terms like "Novaworld" or "Novalogic" or "Activation Keys" ect.
Apr 07 2020, 6:36 pm - Replied by: Zylfrax791

Dude I'm telling you they don't respond to emails period. PERIOD. NO EMAILS. What part of this don't you understand? Your email you think you lost never existed because they don't send emails.
Apr 07 2020, 10:06 pm - Replied by: TRRF Rebel Alpha
TRRF Rebel Alpha

I never forgot my password for my email.

I bought the everything bundle years ago. They were supposed send out the keys during purchase. I'm pretty sure they did, because I did have these games installed on my old laptop before. I suppose that email got deleted or maybe they had the keys on the site. Either way I don't have my keys.

There is no reason to be rude about it. I'm just a gamer/customer wanting to get my product I paid for installed. 
Apr 08 2020, 1:10 am - Replied by: Lt. Buck Compton  <:BOB:>
Lt. Buck Compton  <:BOB:>

You can still get new game disks if you look for it, especially for Combined Arms which is JOTR and Escalation together, it updates easier too. I just bought two more copies of Combined Arms for about 2.99 each, it costs more to ship lol.  I did it for the same reason, one of my accounts for the life of me I lost my login info and couldn't remember. If i find the link to the company that has it I will post it here.
Grenade onto others as you would have them grenade onto you...........If you're gonna knock down my front door you'd better bring EVERYBODY!! You heard me...you better bring everthing at your disposal. BLOOD WILL BE SHED!!. LMAO!!
Apr 08 2020, 1:15 am - Replied by: Lt. Buck Compton  <:BOB:>
Lt. Buck Compton  <:BOB:>

Grenade onto others as you would have them grenade onto you...........If you're gonna knock down my front door you'd better bring EVERYBODY!! You heard me...you better bring everthing at your disposal. BLOOD WILL BE SHED!!. LMAO!!
Apr 08 2020, 1:16 am - Replied by: Lt. Buck Compton  <:BOB:>
Lt. Buck Compton  <:BOB:>

It's called Knightdiscounts.com search for combined arms GOLD. 4.99 each plus shipping.
Grenade onto others as you would have them grenade onto you...........If you're gonna knock down my front door you'd better bring EVERYBODY!! You heard me...you better bring everthing at your disposal. BLOOD WILL BE SHED!!. LMAO!!
Apr 08 2020, 6:17 am - Replied by: Zylfrax791

TRRF Rebel Alpha wrote:
I never forgot my password for my email.

I bought the everything bundle years ago. They were supposed send out the keys during purchase. I'm pretty sure they did, because I did have these games installed on my old laptop before. I suppose that email got deleted or maybe they had the keys on the site. Either way I don't have my keys.

There is no reason to be rude about it. I'm just a gamer/customer wanting to get my product I paid for installed. 

This makes zero sense. Lets apply logic here. You're logged into your Novalogic account simply by the fact that you're here posting in the forum. Needless to say, look at menubar above and click "My Stuff" and tell us what you see there.
Apr 08 2020, 6:36 am - Replied by: TRRF Rebel Alpha
TRRF Rebel Alpha

How about I just show you. Here's screenshot's of  the My Stuff page and My Product Keys page.

Apr 08 2020, 2:01 pm - Replied by: PLAzmA

Im not 100% sure but i think most of the download installers (unlike the cd installers) may not ask for the serial at install time, pretty sure the combined arms JOCAG does not, see the below for the installers urls:

After install, they will all probably want their relevant updates and in the case of DF/LW/ETC OLDER TITLES you will need also need the lobby patch from nova-hq as well:

Give it a go, hope that helps.

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