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question about stuff been a while since i played
        Total Views: 28047 - Total Replies: 3
Nov 27 2020, 10:34 pm - By AlpineRecon  .ARC.
AlpineRecon  .ARC.

ok so i downloaded task force dagger just now after down loading asked me for a code thats been long lost over the years .... so i went to purchase again and it was on steam ??? asked for steam account.... well its been years since i used that ....i
are nova games only on steam now should i get steam again .... dont mean to sound stupid but its been awhile any help would be appreciated ...i just wanna play landwarrior and joint ops again 
I AM THE SITHARI ..Wx3 wine whiskey and women

Nov 28 2020, 9:52 am - Replied by: uRnOdAiSy

I own all of the Novalogic games and I bought them on Steam. I do own an old CD copy of Joint operations. I heard years ago the the players who bought CD's and on Steam were separated (couldn't play together). I would think that digital purchases like Steam constitute the largest player base and I wonder if they even produce the CD's anymore.

I'll let someone correct me if I'm mistaken about these things.
Nov 29 2020, 8:46 am - Replied by: PLAzmA

@AlpineRecon  .ARC. if you cant do a password reset on steam for the old account, you will need to purchase it again on a new account and save your serial number, however you may need to use the lobby patch from nova hq:
However you maybe (if you have your working nova login that already has your serial associated) to download a copy of the installer from here (not sure if it asks for serial at install time):
If you just need a serial for installing, you might be able to find a working serial on google that will let you get past the installer (wont work for activation as they have already been used, so just for the installer only to get as far as letting it log you in) and then sign in with your original nova account that has your original serial associated with it after the install to associate it back with your original account.

@uRnOdAiSy No steam players can play against people who are using the old cd versions and no there has been no new cd versions in many years produced, a while back i think someone dumped a load of new old stock ones on ebay, the only way to purchase a new copy is from steam.
Dec 08 2020, 11:42 am - Replied by: THUNDERBIRD..

AlpineRecon wrote:
ok so i downloaded task force dagger .... dont mean to sound stupid ...i just wanna play landwarrior and joint ops again 

what else is there to say ... 

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