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Hello everyone help here
        Total Views: 31094 - Total Replies: 1
Apr 25 2021, 11:04 am - By Tanya

Next folks.
I formatted my entire computer, installed my original Delta Force Xtreme with my serial.After that I did the update.
After that I copied the entire folder of the game and pasted it in the folder named Programs Files - and renamed it for this Delta Force Xtreme SO - it is because I play with mod.The sequence of the Mods that I always install looks like this.
1- SO_Mod.exe
2- SO_Mod_patch.exe
3- DFX_Terrain_EXP
It has always worked and it has never been a problem.
I have a file called DFX_ITEMS.def and I always put it in the game folder, because it adds several objects, now whenever I open the editor or the submarine and a world of houses no longer appears in the editor, it is a pity everything that worked before it doesn't work anymore.
I always played on my friend's server, Old Blue, but now whenever I log in after about 10 minutes, the server takes me out, and a message says that this may be because of trainer or cheat programs that are interfering with game.
I don't actually use any of these things, and my computer doesn't have a game trainer at all. I've never used any of these.
I need a solution because I can't get into any server without being banned.
All the sites I knew that had useful programs for this game went down.deltaforcebarracks down
deltaforcereload down
novahq.net down toowhat happened to all these good sites that had everything good to no longer exist.

If anyone can point me to a functional website with mod files and no mod for Delta Force Xtreme I would be very grateful
Oct 06 2022, 10:27 am - Replied by: coopwarriors.nl

https://novahq.net/maps.php?Type=CO-OP&SearchQuery=1st+Timer&Type=CO-OP&SearchQuery=1st +Timer

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