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Topic cd key error
cd key error
        Total Views: 27354 - Total Replies: 2
Dec 11 2021, 4:11 pm - By AK4777



I just bought a used Joint Operations Escalation ExpansionPack PC CD ROM from ebay. When I typed in the cd-key, I found out I cantype in only 3 digits cd key in each box(total 15 digits) in the installation pagewhile there are 4 digits per box(total 20 digits)  with the cd key. Anyone has any idea? I amusing Windows 10 Pro. Thanks.

Jan 06 2022, 4:40 am - Replied by: Poo Claw
Poo Claw

Hi Rambo, does copy and paste work?    Sorry, I haven't seen this problem before.
Jul 22 2022, 3:44 pm - Replied by: ShemihazaH

Rambom4triger wrote:


I just bought a used Joint Operations Escalation ExpansionPack PC CD ROM from ebay. When I typed in the cd-key, I found out I cantype in only 3 digits cd key in each box(total 15 digits) in the installation pagewhile there are 4 digits per box(total 20 digits)  with the cd key. Anyone has any idea? I amusing Windows 10 Pro. Thanks.

Amusing windows 10 pro.

Please try this:
- Run the free CAG installer from novalogic website to install without product key.
- Go to MY STUFF here on Novaworld.
- Add the product key for Escalations.

I assume the key is already in use.

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