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Slow down after logging in Multiplayer - then crash
        Total Views: 35376 - Total Replies: 60
Jan 02 2022, 12:28 pm - By JJUI

I login OK - then the music stops and starts over and over and the cursor gets real slow...I pick a host to play then it crashes when contacting server

Has been working fine for a long while
Works fine still on Single Player
now cannot play Multiplayer at all

Tried on another network - same
Tried on another Laptop - same

Something to do with my particular account ? 
Anyone else had this

Thanks in Advance
Jan 02 2022, 1:16 pm - Replied by: RogMan FFS  =FFS=
RogMan FFS  =FFS=

Same problem for me too, server side problems, not local problem.

I hope they will fix the problem soon, I am in Quebec, Canada.
Jan 02 2022, 1:18 pm - Replied by: JJUI

TY ! 

I see there are other people still playing Ok....I guess we have to just hope it starts working again !
Jan 02 2022, 1:23 pm - Replied by: RogMan FFS  =FFS=
RogMan FFS  =FFS=

Yep! It works in some places but not in others.
Jan 02 2022, 1:45 pm - Replied by: mr-fitz

i have the same problem after login also on all games and mods for nova, iam in scotland
Jan 02 2022, 4:26 pm - Replied by: SGM MacDead
SGM MacDead

Same here, real draggy after log in and when I tried to update it says I cant do it. Then its sys dump.
Jan 02 2022, 5:36 pm - Replied by: JJUI

I going to try a VPN connection see if that helps
Jan 02 2022, 5:49 pm - Replied by: JJUI

Trying VPN from any country makes no difference - same issues - 

so perhaps only some accounts have this issue 

Who on earth are we gonna call!
Jan 02 2022, 7:22 pm - Replied by: j7wild

Yeah we got a thread going on here too:

http://www.novaworld2.com/index.php?idtag=61d26bef31060&do=/public/forums/display_topic/id_13300/page_1 #r195208
Jan 02 2022, 7:48 pm - Replied by: j7wild

I posted here too!!



Someone who doesn't know jack gave me a useless answer. I hate people on the internet who don't have the solution to a problem and waste your time with BS answers!!
Jan 02 2022, 7:56 pm - Replied by: j7wild

Email THQ Nordic. I have emailed them before about Novalogic server in 8/2019, 6/2020, 7/2020.

They replied to me in each one of those 3 instances so they are in charge of Novalogic and their servers now!!


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