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Topic SYSDUMP any me help
SYSDUMP any me help
        Total Views: 33754 - Total Replies: 45
Jan 02 2022, 6:58 pm - By Tanya

This has been happening for 3 days now, I have not been able to open my server or play on other servers either.
As soon as I enter multiplayer, my mouse is almost impossible to move, and the game's music starts to fail and when I try to open my server or play on another one, the game crashes and this SYSDUMP thing appears.
I already uninstalled all the game completely and did and also delete from the windows registry everything that is related to the DFXtreme game.
Below I will leave what is in the SYSDUMP log.
If someone can help me, thank you in advance because I don't want to lose or stop playing.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Context dump of DeltaForce: Xtreme (V1.6.9.3) on 1/3/2022
Use map file DFX_R1_6_9_3.map
Memory Usage   Allocated:08800000h   Used:00852da0h   Pointers:00000101h   Fragmentation:00162960h
Execution time minutes: 6, seconds: 51    00064691h

In menu state...
NovaWorld server-player
Number of players: 0, Max players: 0
Mission: ""
Server uptime: 0 00:00:00
Mission time: 0 00:00:00
Game type: COOP

Last Network Packet : 0 msgs.  0 bytes.

This program has caused an access violation exception at 00479a38h
Attempting to write from 4f20c430h

EAX: 13a5eaa0h    EBX:00000000h
ECX: 131c45f0h    EDX:131c45f0h
ESI: 131c45f0h    EDI:00000b40h

EBP: 0000002dh    ESP:0018fdcch
EIP: 00479a38h    EFlags:00010202h
SegCS: 00000023h
SegSs: 0000002bh

Message = "---"

Code bytes before EIP:
8b 08 83 c5 02 41 89 08 8b 4c 24 18 8b 44 24 10
40 3b c1 89 44 24 10 0f 8c 5b ff ff ff 5d 8b c1
5f 5e 5b 59 c3 2b c3 8b c8 b8 67 66 66 66 f7 e9
c1 fa 04 8b c2 c1 e8 1f 03 c2 66 89 45 00 83 c5
02 eb c5 cc cc cc cc cc 8b c1 8b 4c 24 04 89 08
8b 15 f0 19 89 00 89 50 04 ff 05 f4 19 89 00 ff
05 f0 19 89 00 ff 04 8d b0 19 89 00 c2 04 00 cc
cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ff 0d f4 19 89 00 8b 01

Code bytes at EIP:
ff 0c 85 b0 19 89 00 c3 56 57 bf 01 00 00 00 33
f6 8d a4 24 00 00 00 00 8b 04 b5 b0 19 89 00 85
c0 74 23 56 33 ff e8 3d 00 00 00 50 8b 04 b5 b0
19 89 00 50 68 fc 62 7b 00 68 58 05 85 00 e8 45
6f ff ff 83 c4 14 46 83 fe 10 7c cc 85 ff 5f 5e
74 0f 68 d8 62 7b 00 b9 58 05 85 00 e8 b7 57 ff
ff c3 cc cc cc cc cc cc 8b 44 24 04 48 83 f8 06
77 31 ff 24 85 e4 9a 47 00 b8 5c 63 7b 00 c3 b8

0046d385 131c45f0 131c45f0 0018fe50 00782d28 ffffffff 0046e279 008463dc
0044d73c 131c45f0 00000000 00000000 76a4110c 00000001 00435cea 0063111e
000002fe 0064c057 0018fe60 00000000 00400000 7efde000 000a708d 00000001
000a708d 006d53cd 00415cdc 03332a50

Jan 02 2022, 7:06 pm - Replied by: j7wild

Hi Tanya. It's J7wild.

I started getting that last night too around 9 pm and was able to join Hawk's game around 10:15 pm and play until Hawk went offline at midnight.

Then tonight I got on the first time about 7 pm and got the same thing you did.

Once I log into Novalogic everything moves real slow and I get sysdump just trying to join a server or even Exit Novalogic and trying to quit the entire program, I get sysdump.

It's Novalogic, it's not us. 

Here's a screenshot showing even the graphics don't work.

[URL=https://imgbox.com/kT7Fpxwf] [/URL]
Jan 02 2022, 7:24 pm - Replied by: j7wild

Looks like other having same problem

Jan 02 2022, 7:48 pm - Replied by: j7wild

I posted here too



Someone who doesn't know jack gave me a useless answer. I hate people on the internet who don't have the solution to a problem and waste your time with BS answers.
Jan 02 2022, 7:56 pm - Replied by: j7wild

Email THQ Nordic. I have emailed them before about Novalogic server in 8/2019, 6/2020, 7/2020.

They replied to me in each one of those 3 instances so they are in charge of Novalogic and their servers now.

Jan 03 2022, 9:19 am - Replied by: Tanya

j7wild wrote:
Hi Tanya. It's J7wild.

I started getting that last night too around 9 pm and was able to join Hawk's game around 10:15 pm and play until Hawk went offline at midnight.

Then tonight I got on the first time about 7 pm and got the same thing you did.

Once I log into Novalogic everything moves real slow and I get sysdump just trying to join a server or even Exit Novalogic and trying to quit the entire program, I get sysdump.

It's Novalogic, it's not us. 

Here's a screenshot showing even the graphics don't work.

[URL=https://imgbox.com/kT7Fpxwf] [/URL]

Hello J7wild, I'm glad you answered me and gave me this good news, I even uninstalled everything here and reinstalled, and it didn't work.
Now looking at your message and your screen I was less relieved, because your screen is the same as it is on mine too, thanks for your attention.
Hope NovaLogic solves this problem soon.
Thank you J7.
Jan 03 2022, 10:07 am - Replied by: BigPickle

If you had a "sysdump" error, you need to search files for a file labeled "sysdump".
Once you find, delete it and should correct issue. Use file search, dont just go into DFX files, you will not see it, as its a hidden file. Hope that helps
Jan 03 2022, 10:29 am - Replied by: j7wild

Everybody who is having problem with it shoould email THQ Nordic


They are the new owner of Novalogic as of 2016.


Let them know there are still 100s and 100s of people playing Novalogic online every week and they need to take better care of their servers.

@BigPickle: deleting the Sysdump file does not fix the issue and never has. If you don't know the solution or do not know exactly what we are all experiencing, don't answer.

Have you tried logging into Novalogic through one of their games and try to join a game the past 3 days?

I doubt you have.
Jan 03 2022, 1:55 pm - Replied by: Ron -AT-
Ron -AT-

Same problem here.
Send a tweet to @NovaLogicInc, no answer yet..

Nova deleted all my friends and page lay-out..
Jan 03 2022, 4:06 pm - Replied by: j7wild

Hi Ron.

Novalogic was bought out by THQ Nordic in 2016.


Email THQ Nordic about it.


I have emailed them before about Novalogic server in 8/2019, 6/2020, 7/2020 when the server was down and each time they did reply and confirm that Novalogic servers are under their care.


Jan 03 2022, 5:21 pm - Replied by: Slick50

I am having the same problem.  Playing the training missions is ok, but when I go onto novaworld, music blips in and out, mouse is hard to move, and I can't join any games.  The only way out is B, twice, and X to get out of the game.  Starting to get withdrawls from lack of playing, lol.

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