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Is Nova Still Offline??
        Total Views: 36235 - Total Replies: 12
Jan 09 2022, 10:36 am - By GlimmerMan  =BCU=
GlimmerMan  =BCU=

It seems it's been over 48 hours since I have been able to get onto a Multiplayer game.  Anyone else know what's going on?
Jan 09 2022, 11:45 am - Replied by: quebec001  -USM-
quebec001  -USM-

same think , only DF2 working, for me
Jan 10 2022, 7:27 am - Replied by: MikeD1663

Same for me
Jan 10 2022, 8:16 am - Replied by: Deceiver

For the past few days, I'd log onto novaworld, (w/jocag+IC Mod), and my mouse would just start dragging bad across the server menu.
I didn't bother to try and get into a game, (after the first try, to no prevail), but I could see that some people managed to get on.
This morning, I'm just getting the "can't connect" error screen.

Just an fyi...




de·ceiver n. To lead another into error, danger, or a disadvantageous position by underhanded means. 




Jan 10 2022, 8:19 am - Replied by: GlimmerMan  =BCU=
GlimmerMan  =BCU=

Perhaps we're coming to the end of NovaWorld!
Jan 10 2022, 9:01 am - Replied by: Admiral1960

System still down

A few days ago I could logon and get into a game but I was frozen and could not move, shoot or anything.............

Hope it is resolved soon !!
Jan 10 2022, 9:27 am - Replied by: mr remmington
mr remmington

i cant log in to novaworld, can anyone else ?

Jan 10 2022, 9:35 am - Replied by: fawkle

I have not been able to for 4 days now. Trying to get info but not getting replies from support. Hope it is temporary. Let me know if you hear of any news plz.

Jan 10 2022, 11:13 am - Replied by: swe69

same for me. cant log in, not on LW TFD or BHD 

Jan 10 2022, 11:22 am - Replied by: BULLTACO.....  -USM-

Warning: Could not retrieve data for JO from Novalogic
Warning: Could not retrieve data for DFX from Novalogic
Warning: Could not retrieve data for DFX2 from NovalogicJoint Operations and Delta Force -
Global Lobbies Get a Server Status Image for your own Server ServersPlayersOptionsAbout*************No Data Found!

You may need to adjust your options by using the Options Tab.

Does not look good peeps

Jan 10 2022, 11:25 am - Replied by: BULLTACO.....  -USM-

BULLTACO..... wrote:

Warning: Could not retrieve data for JO from Novalogic
Warning: Could not retrieve data for DFX from Novalogic
Warning: Could not retrieve data for DFX2 from NovalogicJoint Operations and Delta Force -
Global Lobbies Get a Server Status Image for your own Server ServersPlayersOptionsAbout*************No Data Found!

You may need to adjust your options by using the Options Tab.

Does not look good peeps

check this link before you waste your time trying to load in to see if people are playing

lynxiiee =BCU=   will say something stupid.......................

Dont for get to download

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