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Novalogic/NovaWorld Network Outage 1/15/2022
        Total Views: 9811 - Total Replies: 2
Jan 15 2022, 8:39 am - By WW-CIC.Sabre6

Novalogic/NovaWorld Network Outage
Saturday 1/15/2022 @ 10:30 AM ET USA

I sent this message 

To: THQ-Nordic Support Team

please forward this issue to the Production department again.

Novalogic game servers out again 1/15/2022

Joint Operations Escalation game

All gamers unable to Log On

Same outage as the last time

Went out about 10:30 AM ET USA

Thank you Support Team for replying to my last request.
We appreciate the communication to pass on to the many gamers who are in the dark.
It was back on for a while regarding the last outage.

US Weekend Warriors Squad & game server

US Weekend Warriors Squad Commander -In- Chief
Jan 15 2022, 11:23 am - Replied by: WW-CIC.Sabre6

The US Weekend Warriors 1 coop game server should now be on and hosting on GameRanger Network.

The NovaWorld Log On to the game servers is still not on.

I was unable to host my back up game server US Weekend Warriors 2 on GameRanger Network for now but will work on this weekend so I can host one on each Network to solve issues in the future.

Any issues getting in my GameRanger server please post here and we will do our best to solve the issue.

One of us will post here when the NovaWorld Network Log On is back up and running.

The NovaWorld Update servers are working so those installing the game should be able to update them without issues.

US Weekend Warriors Squad Commander -In- Chief
Jan 15 2022, 1:28 pm - Replied by: WW-CIC.Sabre6

Saturday 1/15/2020 @ 4:15 PM ET USA

The NovaWorld Network outage appears to now be over and our US Weekend Warriors 1 coop game server is back and on the network.

US Weekend Warriors Squad Commander -In- Chief

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