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Sub-Forum Delta Force Xtreme 2
Topic for "CIAxXVENUMXx "
        Total Views: 40125 - Total Replies: 42
Mar 14 2022, 2:47 pm - By quebec001  -USM-
quebec001  -USM-

M.CIAxXVENUMXx   i want talking at you on PM plz
Mar 15 2022, 12:06 pm - Replied by: BULLTACO.....  -USM-

  This is how you contact him now he is no longer on nova world

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 97, McAlester, OK 74502-0097

Physical Address: 1301 N. West St., McAlester, OK 74502-0097

Phone: (918) 423-4700
his name is .......................................................................................Ray Gene Bledsoe

Mar 17 2022, 12:08 pm - Replied by: quebec001  -USM-
quebec001  -USM-

this guy banned me for no reason by PM, how fix this M.Bull Taco
Mar 17 2022, 1:25 pm - Replied by: BULLTACO.....  -USM-

quebec001 wrote:
this guy banned me for no reason by PM, how fix this M.Bull Taco
no he did not delet all guest messages ALL of them he sent you a hmlt large whiteout scriped bomb

Mar 21 2022, 1:45 pm - Replied by: quebec001  -USM-
quebec001  -USM-

and how i fix this blocked?
Mar 21 2022, 1:52 pm - Replied by: BULLTACO.....  -USM-

quebec001 wrote:
and how i fix this blocked?
I just told you ? cant you read?

Mar 21 2022, 1:55 pm - Replied by: BULLTACO.....  -USM-

Comment AlertsViewing 1 - 20

Delete ALL your Comments on your page by everyone EVERY single one and the problem will be over   strange you type just like CGS and Southpne-WT-


Mar 23 2022, 2:29 pm - Replied by: quebec001  -USM-
quebec001  -USM-

sorry english is not my language, and i am not sure of your answer
Mar 24 2022, 6:44 am - Replied by: BULLTACO.....  -USM-

quebec001 wrote:
sorry english is not my language, and i am not sure of your answer
Delete ALL your Comments on your page

Mar 27 2022, 2:42 pm - Replied by: quebec001  -USM-
quebec001  -USM-

Here M. Bull Taco: or in my inbox message then him ?

Mar 28 2022, 10:44 am - Replied by: BULLTACO.....  -USM-

fuk for god sakes listen carefully read and understand the words

Step #1

    got to your Messages send and received,,,,, hover your curser over it.

3 boxes will show

The very bottom one out of the 3 will say Comment alerts. click on it.

Step #2

it will show all the comments with empty boxes to the left

put a check mark in every-single one

and delete every-single one

and your problem will end forever!!!!!

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