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Please make contact here
        Total Views: 25308 - Total Replies: 7
Jul 16 2022, 12:42 pm - By Tanya

I've already contacted Nova Logic's new buyers to open the DFXtreme game server again.

But they won't open if only one person asks right?

So to reinforce this I ask everyone who wants the server up to lose as I lost a few minutes of their time and send a message to them asking them to open the game server again.

Here's their page.
Jul 16 2022, 12:58 pm - Replied by: Multiplayer.

Jul 16 2022, 8:26 pm - Replied by: Boxkicker

Message sent as well!
Sep 28 2022, 11:11 am - Replied by: slowsloth

the servers may never return, but i sent a message anyway. they list phone numbers if you want to call austria

Sep 28 2022, 11:23 am - Replied by: Hibees

Todays latest from THQ Nordic support team.

Thank you for your mail
we are sorry for the inconvenience we will forward your request to our production department
we apologise that we are not able to help you right now and we assure you we will do our best to solve the game issues as soon as possible
The game developers are aware of this issues and are trying to find a solution to these problems
Once the fix is at hand it will be published as soon as possible
Thank you for your understanding and patience

This was reply on 28th September 2022
so all is not lost yet

Oct 04 2022, 3:42 am - Replied by: itchypav  -PG-
itchypav  -PG-

For what it's worth >
I re-opened my support ticket with THQ again and asked>
Me posted 03/10/2022 7:22 PM
Are the Novalogic game servers for Delta Force Extreme and ExtremeX2 shutdown for good or are you really trying to fix the issues? ExtremeX2 has been down since July 11, 2022.
Reopened by XXXX 03/10/2022 7:22 PM
Staff posted 04/10/2022 9:40 AM
Thank you for your mail.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
We are aware of the issue and members of the dev team are working on fixing it as we speak. Having said that, we are sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Please feel free to contact us anytime.
Oct 04 2022, 5:53 am - Replied by: Hibees

itchypav wrote:
For what it's worth >
I re-opened my support ticket with THQ again and asked>
Me posted 03/10/2022 7:22 PM
Are the Novalogic game servers for Delta Force Extreme and ExtremeX2 shutdown for good or are you really trying to fix the issues? ExtremeX2 has been down since July 11, 2022.
Reopened by XXXX 03/10/2022 7:22 PM
Staff posted 04/10/2022 9:40 AM
Thank you for your mail.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
We are aware of the issue and members of the dev team are working on fixing it as we speak. Having said that, we are sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Please feel free to contact us anytime.

  Well thats got to be positive then because  we went from "trying to find issue"

to  "Dev team working on it "
so hopefully we all back running shortly

Oct 05 2022, 8:33 am - Replied by: itchypav  -PG-
itchypav  -PG-

itchypav posted 03/10/2022 7:22 PM 

Are the Novalogic game servers for Delta Force Extreme and ExtremeX2 shutdown for good or are you really trying to fix the issues? ExtremeX2 has been down since July 11, 2022.

 Reopened by itchypav 03/10/2022 7:22 PM
Staff posted 04/10/2022 9:40 AM 

Thank you for your mail.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

We are aware of the issue and members of the dev team are working on fixing it as we speak. Having said that, we are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Please feel free to contact us anytime.

  Closed by AvatarStaff with status of Resolved 04/10/2022 9:40 AM
itchypav posted 04/10/2022 5:57 PM 

There are a lot of people (in the Novalogic community) that are asking about this issue but there is nowhere that THQ is publishing this so people know. There is no general feedback on any forum associated with THQ or Novalogic concerning this. There are many squads and members that still play these games regularly that are left in the dark.

  Reopened by  itchypav 04/10/2022 5:57 PM
Staff posted 05/10/2022 2:42 PM 

Thank you for your mail.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

We'd like to ask you for patience. Unfortunately, we cannot tell when the system will be up and running again. We are aware of the issue and members of the dev team are working on fixing it as we speak.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Please feel free to contact us anytime.

  Closed by AvatarStaff with status of Resolved 05/10/2022 2:42 PM

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