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Battlelan, GameRanger,,,Trojans ???
        Total Views: 10056 - Total Replies: 1
Jul 18 2022, 6:38 pm - By Timberwolf 2004
Timberwolf 2004

hi all,

Nova is down at the moment so some players are downloading and joining Battlelan, and GameRanger

i just tried to download Battlelan via the link another player gave me and i got blocked by my anti virus software. my antivirus gave me the following warning message.


what info do we have about Battlelan ?,  is it safe?, or am i getting a false positive on my security software ?

below is a link to a post where the player ForReason posts in our forums about possible risks of using GameRanger.


anyone have more info about Battlelan ....

anyone else using BATTLELAN ...   is it safe ?

thank you.
timeberwolf 2004
Make a tea, sit down, relax and play JOE coop,
Jul 18 2022, 7:31 pm - Replied by: Jtwizzle.

I have used Gameranger for over 10 years for various games starting with Borderlands. No issues and it has been around for ages. 

BattleLan is also a very old program that is most likely throwing a false positive, many people are using it during this Nova outage. 

What link are you using for Battlelan?

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