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Sub-Forum Delta Force Xtreme 2
Topic The end
The end
        Total Views: 138052 - Total Replies: 4
Aug 06 2022, 5:35 pm - By Multiplayer.

all servers in nova will be dead next month anyway.   move on
Aug 06 2022, 10:33 pm - Replied by: RebelBoss

Really ?  ?  ? 

Where can i find this info
Aug 28 2022, 7:33 am - Replied by: St.ealth HUNter  *St*
St.ealth HUNter  *St*

what the fu pls no i cant cry here rn
I'm proud of to be HUNGARIAN, I'm proud of HUNGARY and its history!
Sep 23 2022, 3:15 pm - Replied by: LNS-Front242  -PxP-
LNS-Front242  -PxP-

Noooooooooooooooo it can't be true!!!! I've been with Novalogic since 1998, and bought all my CD games from Walmart in Ormand Beach, FL. - Noooooooooooooooo!!!! I guess good thing's do come to and end. Thanks Novalogic for a good long run and selling out, but I really dislike that THQ did not finish "Angel Falls" like they said they would - . At least I have my BETA testing Angel Falls disc.      
Sep 24 2022, 10:08 am - Replied by: A HAWK

I just sent this today, one last shot i guess;

"Down almost 4 weeks now!


We hate to see you scrap this, pleasereview and reply with a personal message, not your form letter.


A lot of players are sad, and wondering,if you gave up on us? or are having problems?


As you may know this concerns novalogic Deltaforce Extreme server, your company bought out.

I see you are still selling thedownloaded games online. Will you be putting the server back up soon?


If for some sad reason you are not goingto put the server back up, please announce online so all can see…. We would bevery sad.


Please reply, we are all starving forreal answers."

currently dfx map maker

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