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        Total Views: 34419 - Total Replies: 10
Sep 15 2022, 2:02 pm - By Silent Chameleon
Silent Chameleon

NOVALOGIC says they are doing maintenance - it's bullshit. Looks like they have terminated all servers. Time to get a new game.
Sep 18 2022, 2:17 am - Replied by: TM Sgt-Major
TM Sgt-Major

Silent Chameleon wrote:
NOVALOGIC says they are doing maintenance - it's bullshit. Looks like they have terminated all servers. Time to get a new game.

They may actually be doing as they say...
Sep 18 2022, 2:40 am - Replied by: Speed-ICON

with the new Owners is the Game more down then Online
Sep 18 2022, 11:46 am - Replied by: wanneroo

I haven't been able to connect for what, over a month now.  If I load the game and click on Novaworld it just shows the connecting to Novaworld screen and that's it.
Sep 18 2022, 12:31 pm - Replied by: CC R  -Fyc-
CC R  -Fyc-

Yes, same here. Connecting from Sweden, so I would like to know if anyone else have this problem? "Connection Timeout" after 20-30 sec

I recently reinstalled the game and now I can't even update the game properly???
"Can't connect to the server". I have the vers and can't get to the next 6.9 vers before I need the last one.
Oct 05 2022, 9:56 am - Replied by: Hibees

I just discovered that my provider Talk Talk is the reason i have not been able to play for last 4 weeks . as a test i disabled their online defence ,leaving windows defender to carry the load and i was able to log in straight away and play :(

so be a good idea for others to try and see if its their online security that's preventing them from playing as i  discovered 

Oct 05 2022, 10:24 am - Replied by: BULLTACO.....  -USM-

Hibees wrote:
I just discovered that my provider Talk Talk is the reason i have not been able to play for last 4 weeks . as a test i disabled their online defence ,leaving windows defender to carry the load and i was able to log in straight away and play :(

so be a good idea for others to try and see if its their online security that's preventing them from playing as i  discovered 

play what game ? witch one

Oct 05 2022, 10:28 am - Replied by: BULLTACO.....  -USM-

Warning: Conversion of Source Data Failed (GSB->XML) - DFX-----FAIL
Warning: Conversion of Source Data Failed (GSB->XML) -DFX2----FAIL

Joint Operations and Delta Force - Global Lobbies---------JO-------CONNECT

Hibees, I don't know what you are talking about?

Oct 06 2022, 6:07 am - Replied by: Hibees

I found out that it was my security settings set my my virus program provider that was blocking me from playing , i switched them off and just used windows defender and was able to log in and play no problem , as i have done today

Oct 06 2022, 6:45 am - Replied by: BULLTACO.....  -USM-

Hibees wrote:
I found out that it was my security settings set my my virus program provider that was blocking me from playing , i switched them off and just used windows defender and was able to log in and play no problem , as i have done today
play checkers? what game? DFX or DFX2?

Oct 26 2022, 12:19 pm - Replied by: THUNDERBIRD..

Hibees wrote:
I found out that it was my security settings set my my virus program provider that was blocking me from playing , i switched them off and just used windows defender and was able to log in and play no problem , as i have done today

very high Bee's 

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