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Sub-Forum Delta Force Xtreme
Topic dear thq nordic
dear thq nordic
        Total Views: 22675 - Total Replies: 4
Oct 06 2022, 8:58 am - By coopwarriors.nl

dear thq nordic we have been fans of delta force games since day 1 . but it looks like you don't really care. and don't say a word to us. we would like to receive answers from you . at least that would be polite . we paid for your games . if not then from nova-world who treats us better than you .then just shutting down the servers and not giving any notification or info how long it will take. But shame on you for treating people like that .  Please answer . Give people their pleasure back 

almost forgot could you change my e.mail I have been waiting for 2 half years


greetings from the Netherlands 
Oct 07 2022, 5:48 pm - Replied by: A HAWK

I will tell you this much.

I will never buy a game from THQ!


and I will research, who owns it before I even consider buying it.

I'm with you, they are very RUDE to not give us answers. I have sent countless requests to them; all I get are form letter responses.


currently dfx map maker
Oct 07 2022, 5:49 pm - Replied by: A HAWK

Note they still sell the game!

currently dfx map maker
Oct 08 2022, 1:29 pm - Replied by: coopwarriors.nl

Hi A HAWK  do you know how it feels . being used . take money and give nothing back . It 's just simple . Answer the questions . that people ask 
Oct 21 2022, 8:39 am - Replied by: OriginalWildBill

Hey, i

wrote them a fifth mail:

Dear THQ Nordic Support Team,

its now more then 6 weeks ago with the Login issue. I guess, the problem will never more solved.

In this case, it is cheeky and outrageous that the affected games can still be bought in the store and on Steam.
I will address this on social media...
This is a good business card for THQ Nordic!

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