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Sub-Forum Delta Force Xtreme 2
Topic Activate the game?
Activate the game?
        Total Views: 72188 - Total Replies: 28
Nov 06 2022, 1:39 am - By Dakka

Well hello there.

Is there anyway to activate the game?

Been tryin to activate the game now for some days and just get the NWNODb01 fail.

I read somewhere that should replace the update file but still doesnt work so...

Nov 07 2022, 12:08 am - Replied by: PREDATOR.US

im getting the same code... i even did the replace the exe update and still cant log into novaworld to activate game  cant even play single player i can play black hawk down online works great  but not extreme or extreme 2
SGT Belter
Nov 17 2022, 9:25 am - Replied by: Prime1980

For me also, I have the same problem.

Nov 18 2022, 4:43 pm - Replied by: Frederic2167

Yes, me too!  I logged into the site OK but when I try to activate the game I get the message "The Database you are attempting to use is currently not available. Please try again. If this problem persists, please contact technical support at "Support@novalogic.com""

I've tried at least seven times over the past 24 hours and keep getting the same message.

Very frustrating!!!!
Nov 22 2022, 5:35 pm - Replied by: TheWraith  -PxP-
TheWraith  -PxP-

DFX2 Servers have been down for months.

This is an ongoing problem with THQ/Nordic and they dont seem to care.
Nov 23 2022, 8:38 am - Replied by: itchypav  -PG-
itchypav  -PG-

This is how ignorant THQ No-DICK is. They can't even take the time to reply now, just close the ticket.

Me posted 11/11/2022 7:25 PM 

Another MONTH has gone by with no fix. Can you advise the status of this?

  Reopened by Me 11/11/2022 7:25 PM
  Closed by AvatarStaff with status of Closed 14/11/2022 10:38 AM
Dec 20 2022, 4:34 pm - Replied by: Dark4ngel

update the game
Dec 24 2022, 11:08 am - Replied by: SothPaw  =WT=
SothPaw  =WT=

update your web:)




Dec 24 2022, 10:40 pm - Replied by: Dakka

I cant even update. I have replaced the update file and all that and it still not working.

Jan 07 2023, 10:02 am - Replied by: quebec001  -USM-
quebec001  -USM-

is not normal long time with this code : NWNODB01
Jan 19 2023, 9:04 am - Replied by: Sgt. Ghost
Sgt. Ghost

I literally just bough the game today and I cannot play it.

Cool Cool.

I'm not madly angry. You are.

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