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Help - Downloading game to new computer
        Total Views: 15477 - Total Replies: 1
Dec 21 2022, 4:23 pm - By Brad AKA Sniper
Brad AKA Sniper

Just got a new computer and I was trying to re-download the Delta Force Blackhawk down game that I previously purchased...when I go into my stuff if says I have the product key for the game but can't download it???  

Digital Download Edition
You cannot activate this product because you already
have a product key for this game on your account

Anyone know what the deal is with that?

A friend of mine who also just changed his computer when he goes to that screen there is a downloadable link to re-download the game.  

Thank you

Dec 21 2022, 6:54 pm - Replied by: T00 L8
T00 L8

Brad AKA Sniper wrote:
Just got a new computer and I was trying to re-download the Delta Force Blackhawk down game that I previously purchased...when I go into my stuff if says I have the product key for the game but can't download it???  

Digital Download Edition
You cannot activate this product because you already
have a product key for this game on your account

Anyone know what the deal is with that?

A friend of mine who also just changed his computer when he goes to that screen there is a downloadable link to re-download the game.  

Thank you

This link to the Novalogic FTP site might be what you are looking for. 

Link to download DFBHD

Ignorance on your part does NOT equate to hacking on my part.

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