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Blackhawk Down User
        Total Views: 39125 - Total Replies: 2
Dec 26 2022, 9:30 am - By Spurtus

Since DF Xtreme appears to be gone, I found my old Blackhawk Down CD and installed game.  However, when I try to start multiplayer, it does not seem to recognize (what I remember to be) my user and PW from that time LONNNNG ago when I used to play.  My point is:  Is there any way, these days, to get your user/pw reset?  The in game process does throws an email error message when I supply my user name (email) for reset. Ideas?

Jan 04 2023, 7:39 am - Replied by: PXP-WINGNUT  -PxP-

No your Done !
this is why its important to write this golly down . 
Use to be you could contact NOVALOGIC and they would send you your Info .. 
NovaLogic is GONE !!
no one to contact ,   THQ is useless as tits on a boar hog. 

How ever I do play on my LAN setting , with the game I have created over the years . 
you can also play as single player .
those will be stock games . 

Spurtus wrote:
Since DF Xtreme appears to be gone, I found my old Blackhawk Down CD and installed game.  However, when I try to start multiplayer, it does not seem to recognize (what I remember to be) my user and PW from that time LONNNNG ago when I used to play.  My point is:  Is there any way, these days, to get your user/pw reset?  The in game process does throws an email error message when I supply my user name (email) for reset. Ideas?

Feb 08 2023, 6:51 am - Replied by: kensta  =BCU=
kensta  =BCU=

Just download the no cd patch + alternative lobbys from nova hq and your good and ready to play if u need anything else it will be the update from the same site but im sure its 1 download. i got mine working this way last night!!

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