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US Weekend Warriors coop game server OFFLINE Temporarily
        Total Views: 24006 - Total Replies: 6
May 29 2023, 7:05 pm - By WW-CIC.Sabre6

5-29-2023 Monday

The US Weekend warriors game servers will be temporarily offline while we make a physical location change which came about suddenly.

I usually have enough time to rent a game server until we are relocated but so far not this time.

I have no idea how long we will be offline and will do my best to keep everyone up to date as we get more info.

We do intend to host again as we have done since 2009.

Keep up the gaming and continue to have fun on NovaWorld.

US Weekend Warriors Squad Commander -In- Chief
May 29 2023, 11:29 pm - Replied by: GI Bry
GI Bry

thats good to hear! im having withdrawal symptoms but completely understand. i'll keep checking in and...keep up the good work!
Jul 31 2023, 8:52 am - Replied by: WW-CIC.Sabre6

We are still here but in a bit of a stall to get back online but we will keep trying

Anyone know where to rent a JOE Server?
US Weekend Warriors Squad Commander -In- Chief
Aug 03 2023, 8:22 am - Replied by: WW-CIC.Sabre6

Thank you CC for the info you sent me
US Weekend Warriors Squad Commander -In- Chief
Aug 06 2023, 10:19 pm - Replied by: CC R  -Fyc-
CC R  -Fyc-

WW-CIC.Sabre6 wrote:
Thank you CC for the info you sent me
Your'e welcome! Hope you find a good solution.
Oct 06 2023, 2:13 pm - Replied by: WW-CIC.Sabre6

Sorry I have not been active here for a bit folks

We are caught up in the middle of a move to try and get away from the big city crime as we are very close to Baltimore, Maryland.

The neighborhood got to unsafe for us and my wife is still active in the Law Enforcement work for the State here.

The neighbors found out we were with Law Enforcement and the DEFUND THE POLICE neighbors were at our front door making threats so it was better to leave that area right away. This is not the place my wife and I grew up in and we are looking to leave the State Entirely now.

My wife has 42 years in Law Enforcement and I have been retired/disabled since 2010.

On top of all that I have had 3 heart attacks since January of this year my last one about a week ago. Thank GOD for the great medical care around here or someone would be posting my death notice here. I will recover in time for the next one in about 3-6 months again.

I have every intention of getting the US Weekend Warriors 1 coop game server back on even if I have to rent a server that I can upload to. I have been in a hotel since May 28 this year and no real network here to work with until I move.

CC contacted me about a place to rent a server and I will look more in to it soon as I improve. I checked it some but never had the time to follow it through.

I hope you all keep gaming here on NovaWorld as it may be old school but offers so much more than other places at a low cost to you gamers.

I will hopefully be in touch soon with better news for us all.

US Weekend Warriors Squad Commander -In- Chief
Oct 07 2023, 8:27 am - Replied by: Frank0cean  -Fyc-
Frank0cean  -Fyc-

All the big city/money states appear to be trending that way. Mine included. I live in a hick town where LE are rumored to drive troublemakers out to where nobody can hear them scream and give them some special encouragement to be good citizens. Thankfully, the riffraff doesn't seem to like it here.

Best wishes on your move and health. Hope you find somewhere safe and comfortable to live. 

WW-CIC.Sabre6 wrote:
Sorry I have not been active here for a bit folks

We are caught up in the middle of a move to try and get away from the big city crime as we are very close to Baltimore, Maryland.

The neighborhood got to unsafe for us and my wife is still active in the Law Enforcement work for the State here.

The neighbors found out we were with Law Enforcement and the DEFUND THE POLICE neighbors were at our front door making threats so it was better to leave that area right away. This is not the place my wife and I grew up in and we are looking to leave the State Entirely now.

My wife has 42 years in Law Enforcement and I have been retired/disabled since 2010.

On top of all that I have had 3 heart attacks since January of this year my last one about a week ago. Thank GOD for the great medical care around here or someone would be posting my death notice here. I will recover in time for the next one in about 3-6 months again.

I have every intention of getting the US Weekend Warriors 1 coop game server back on even if I have to rent a server that I can upload to. I have been in a hotel since May 28 this year and no real network here to work with until I move.

CC contacted me about a place to rent a server and I will look more in to it soon as I improve. I checked it some but never had the time to follow it through.

I hope you all keep gaming here on NovaWorld as it may be old school but offers so much more than other places at a low cost to you gamers.

I will hopefully be in touch soon with better news for us all.


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