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Satchels and Claymores in Delta force
        Total Views: 27638 - Total Replies: 7
Jan 11 2011, 3:53 pm - By ShiningRice

In the first Delta Force game; Satchels and Claymores do not work in single player and multi-player games. Was there ever a fix for them?
Jan 11 2011, 4:58 pm - Replied by: Shadow--Z

There are several patches/updates available on the Novalogic website in their downloads section.

Tachyon: the Fringe has a weekly match on Sunday1:00PM Central time.

Most are welcome to join for some slagging.
Jan 12 2011, 3:48 pm - Replied by: ShiningRice

Yes I downloaded the latest update on the novalogic website, but my satchels and claymores still do not work.
Jan 12 2011, 5:47 pm - Replied by: Shadow--Z

Is it just the remote detonation clay that's not working?
Tachyon: the Fringe has a weekly match on Sunday1:00PM Central time.

Most are welcome to join for some slagging.
Jan 13 2011, 1:18 pm - Replied by: ShiningRice

The claymore disappears when I place it, you don't even see anything on the ground. I have tried to walk over the area that I knew that I planted it and it doesn't trigger by proximity or detonation. Its just gone. And yet it still removes one from my quantity until I have none.
Jan 13 2011, 3:28 pm - Replied by: Shadow--Z

Yeah, that's normal.

The update makes it so that you can play multiplayer with the satchels and claymores, but at the cost of borking the singleplayer satchels and claymores.

I think there is a patch available somewhere on enthusiast websites (such as DF Reload) that allows you to have it working properly.

Tachyon: the Fringe has a weekly match on Sunday1:00PM Central time.

Most are welcome to join for some slagging.
Sep 30 2016, 1:37 pm - Replied by: Vic Visage
Vic Visage

Shadow--Z wrote:
Yeah, that's normal.

The update makes it so that you can play multiplayer with the satchels and claymores, but at the cost of borking the singleplayer satchels and claymores.

I think there is a patch available somewhere on enthusiast websites (such as DF Reload) that allows you to have it working properly.

The satchels and claymores do not work in either single or multiplayer, and the DF Reload site doesn't have anything except the official patches. I am using the Steam version. So this game is effectively unplayable now.
Sep 30 2016, 4:13 pm - Replied by: ShiningRice

ShiningRice wrote:
In the first Delta Force game; Satchels and Claymores do not work in single player and multi-player games. Was there ever a fix for them?

Apparently they will work if you load up a dedicated server then all players connected to that server can use them. If you want to use them yourself just load up 2 instances of the game one with the server and then with the other join your server.

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