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Delta Force 2 Multiplayer
        Total Views: 43807 - Total Replies: 129
Nov 03 2010, 2:08 pm - By Ratpatrol


Has Novalogic quit Multiplayer gaming of Delta Force 2? Please tell me Novalogic is not going to stop Multiplayer ability. If so it seems to be starting a pattern here. What is the purpose for me to upgrade my computer to play Novalogic games only for Novalogic to do this.

Nov 03 2010, 2:36 pm - Replied by: Photons

DF2 was release on 3-11-1999 in North America, willing to bet everyone has updated their PC since then.
Nov 03 2010, 3:52 pm - Replied by: M3TAl-OLD-  -OLD-

Photons wrote:
DF2 was release on 3-11-1999 in North America, willing to bet everyone has updated their PC since then.

Prolly updated about 10 times since then.
Nov 03 2010, 6:22 pm - Replied by: gamerdude122

Yeah, multiplayer support for DF 2 has been gone for a while, man.
Nov 03 2010, 7:40 pm - Replied by: thor-des

Well the twitter says they are fixing nw2 server which has the DF/DF2 lobby.  I hope they fix it and not leave it..
Nov 11 2010, 10:32 am - Replied by: Sweed  -USM-
Sweed  -USM-

Me too. DF2 is like crack for me man.


Nov 13 2010, 3:13 pm - Replied by: Ratpatrol

Thank you Novaworld for putting DF2 back up. Now if everyone just finds out its back up.
Nov 13 2010, 5:02 pm - Replied by: medjool

Ratpatrol wrote:
Thank you Novaworld for putting DF2 back up. Now if everyone just finds out its back up.

DF2 Multiplayer is working? Doesn't work for me, I don't see a damn thing.
What am I doing wrong?
Nov 14 2010, 3:17 pm - Replied by: pitdog

Im having the same issue with the df2 multiplayer server,i can log in fine but a blank page & no players.I think NOVAWORLD is not supporting older games anymore.If so ill never buy another nova game from them,ever.
Nov 14 2010, 11:30 pm - Replied by: DieSel 6
DieSel 6

all df2 servers are at df favs lobby,you need cheatblocker to access the servers
Nov 16 2010, 9:23 am - Replied by: pitdog

Hi Diesel6,thanks for the information about joining the df2 server,but were is the df favs lobby? AND WERE OR HOW CAN I ADD CHEAT BLOCKER to my game. thank you.

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